[center][h3][color=598527]Corinthe Malakos[/color][/h3] [IMG]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M63e8dcc323bdaf508759b1fef4d0d72dH1&=160&=160&c=7&pid=Api[/IMG] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Heading for Olympus Academy [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] - [/center][hr][hr] Hot water and lemon. And tranquility. Here she was, at a cafe at the edge of town. She sat outside at a table in the sun and looked at an elderly couple that appeared from the woods adjacent to the terrace. It was nice here, with nature and the kind people. This was also her last stop before starting a new life. Traveling around had been right for her for a while. With no financial worries, she was free to do as she pleased for once. No responsibilities. And a great deal of time to mourn her mother and adapt to the whole idea of demi-goddessness. Which was so absurd. In the beginning she had talked to her mother a lot. In her mind. Never ever had she expected that at some point her mother would reply to her. At least she knew now who her father was. Which was kinda exiting. When she had realised her ability to conjure metals and gems, her plan had been to make a lot of dollar coins. Unfortunately, people were rather suspicious of someone with a big bag of only dollar coins and no bills whatsoever. So she tried a different approach. Jewelry with gems and gold and silver. Besides being able to sell them rather easy for a good price, once she found a jeweler, it was fun and good practice to use her power this way. Even though life was ever interesting this way, she felt she needed a home. The place where she grew up had no people that held her there. Her few old friends had moved out of the little town to study. Being on the road, she had less and less contact with anybody from her old life. And she had no need for that either. Up to the point where she was all alone in this world, just traveling through. just observing. A shadow of the living. After learning about Olympus Academy, she decided that it could be her new home. Or at least a great place to learn more about herself and meet new interesting people. She got up to pay for her drink. She could've taken a cab. But with the nice weather she had decided to walk. Her backpack was relatively light, but still a backpack full of travelsupplies. But she was used to that. While walking on the side of the road, some cars passed by. They were probably filled with other students, each with their own thoughts about what the new schoolyear would bring. Some guy even passed on a motorcycle. She really hoped she would feel at home among the other demigods. [hr] Finally she arrived at the school. Some other students were sitting or walking around. Talking to each other. Not knowing where to go, Cori just stood at the schoolyard and looked around. A bit forlorn, she gazed at the building and the other students, taking everything in. [color=598527][i]So here I am[/i][/color]