Karen stepped forwards, her pet cat Elijah wrapped in her arms and a butler carried her luggage at the side. She moved gracefully, each of her steps flowing well into the next, as though she were treating walking like a dance. Her face was calm and serene, looking for all the world as if nothing could disturb her; indeed, such an expression made her look more mature than her age otherwise let on. Her outfit consisted of a turquoise blue dress with sapphires lining the shoulder wide neckline, and white, satin gloves and leather boots - all of which were high-quality material. Her graceful movement and expression, as well as her expensive clothing, caught the eyes of people around her, however they always averted their eyes the next second for some reason. Looking at her, one wouldn't think that today was her first day at Hogwarts. Her thoughts however? That was a completely different story. [i]"Yes, yes, yes, yes! Hogwarts! Finally! Hahaha! Today I take my first true step to being a real witch! Wait, no, you're getting excited again Karen! Calm down . . . Alright calm . . . Heh heh, Hogwarts~"[/i] Much as she tried to suppress it though, her excitement would always bubble over sometime again, thus creating a cycle. Nevertheless, on the outside, she was completely composed. As she stepped towards the barrier at platform 9[sup]3/4[/sup], she took a steady, deep breath, then walked through it. She gasp softly at the magnificent sight of the magical side of Kings Cross Station; at the sight of all the different wizards and witches moving about, sending their kids of to Hogwarts. Karen bit her lip, once again suppressing her excitement from overwhelming her, while at the same time ignoring the pang of pain that shot through her suddenly. Seeing all these kids being sent off by their parents did nothing but remind of the absence of her own. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Karen walked towards the trains steps, and turned to her butler. "Thank you, Alexei, for your troubles," she said, stretching out to grab her luggage from him. The man simply bowed his head in response. "It's no problem, milady. I hope you have a good time at Hogwarts . . ." Left unsaid was: "I'm sure your parents would have too," but both knew the futility in bringing her parents up, so he kept it in, and Karen did not question his silence. Setting Elijah down, Karen looked around her, wondering what compartment she should take. Deciding that any would do, she walked three steps and opened the nearest one. Inside, there was already another person, one with a pet . . . sloth? That was new. In any case, Karen did a small curtsy and greeted the other girl. "A pleasure to meet you. Would it be too much trouble if we could share compartments?" she asked, making eye-contact with the other girl.