[quote=@Morden Man] [center][img]http://marvelchampions.org/avengers/wintersoldier/ws4.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] James Buchanan Barnes. [b]Superhero identity:[/b] Captain America. [b]Age:[/b] Technically ninety years old, but physically in his mid-twenties due to the magic of cryogenics. [b]Brief History:[/b] Once the teenaged sidekick of Captain America, Bucky was thought lost in 1945 to an explosion caused by Heinrich Zemo. In fact Bucky was found by Soviet soldiers who wiped the sidekick's brain, fitted him with a prosthetic arm, and programmed him to assassinate enemies of the Soviet Union. In between assassinations "The Winter Soldier", as Barnes would come to be known, would have his mind wiped once more and be placed in a cryogenic sleep until he was needed again. It isn't until the fall of the Soviet Union that Barnes reappears under the control of Aleksander Lukin, former KGB agent turned Kronas CEO. After some time Steve Rogers is able to break Lukin's hold over Bucky using the Cosmic Cube and restore his sidekick's memories to him. Bucky disappears, traumatised by the knowledge of the crimes he had committed, reappearing upon learning that Steve had been arrested in the fallout of the superhero "civil war" over the Registration Act with intents to break him free. Instead he watched on whilst Steve was shot dead. In the aftermath, Bucky is approached by Tony Stark with a proposition: carry the shield and keep Steve's memory alive by becoming the Captain America the world so desperately needs. A reluctant Bucky accepts, knowing he'd never be able to stomach someone else in Steve's uniform, and sets about trying to live up to the mantle. [/quote] Approved.