Hi there! Taco here. Thought I’d make a new thread for a specific hunt. For you see, I am on a quest! A quest of great risk and greater rewards! I want to have a Dragon Age roleplay that doesn’t die less than ten posts in. I have yet to experience this wonder, but god damn it, I’m going to make it happen. I love this fandom too much to never get to RP in it properly. I have three plots—two of which have starters, all of which have fleshed out characters (all city elves, by pure coincidence! [s]jay kay, city elves are my favorite![/s]), story arcs, and should be loads of fun. My info and rules are in this convenient little hider! [hider=BOOP!] [b]☼[/b] — I’ve been roleplaying since I was knee-high to a Stormtrooper. I started with tabletop when my brothers shoved a character sheet at me and told me to play. I found my way online shortly thereafter, roleplaying all over the damn place: AIM, MSN Groups, literally over 100 different proboards and invisionfree forums, LiveJournal, Tumblr, and (most importantly!) the official Harry Potter boards. The past 15+ years have been quite the adventure across the blogowebs for me! [b]☼[/b] — Now I’m old and cranky, but still no less enthusiastic about developing worlds and characters and kick ass stories! On the whole, I write around [b]3-6[/b] paragraphs a post. This isn’t a hard rule—my starters are almost [i]always[/i] walls of text. Beyond that, I’m far more interested in quality. Can you move plot forward? Can you write interesting side characters and help flesh out our character’s world? That’s far more important than a paragraph requirement. I’m also trying to work on putting out more concise posts so I can reply more frequently. TL;DR?[b] Quality >> Quantity[/b] [b]☼[/b] — The downside of being old is that my availability is spotty. I try to be reasonably prompt and fair with replies, but sometimes shit happens. Roleplaying is my favorite hobby, and I’ll probably be doing it for as long as I live, but it’s not the top of my list of priorities. I’m married, have two dogs, and I’ve got shit to do. I also have some health issues—bipolar and endometriosis—that can be limiting. Right now, my availability is fairly open—I’ve recently graduated from university, and I’m not working. However, I do have family obligations and I'm job hunting, so I am not around 24/7. [b]☼[/b] — Which brings me to one of my [i]major[/i] requirements: [b]patience[/b]! I’m hella patient with my partners—I’ve returned to games after nearly two years on hiatus without any problems. If someone found an old RP we’d worked on 5+ years ago and brought it to my attention, odds are good that I would pick it up again with fiendish glee. And if you are polite and respectful towards me, I will roleplay with you [i]forever[/i]. I have several people that I’ve written with for over five years, and a few buddies who I've hit the ten year mark with. But if you won't get off my dick? I will continue on my merry way without you. [b]☼[/b] — I ask that my partners be older than 18. [b]☼[/b] — Now, to content! I prefer games with strong character development and at least a rough plot sketched out. Characters need goals and conflicts, yo. I’m all about dramedy, action, and I’m a sucker for underdogs against nearly impossible odds. I [i]love[/i] horror, so if there’s an element of magic or super powers or whatever in our game, expect some really awful things to happen to our nerds. [i]John Dies at the End[/i] is a huge influence on my writing. Romance is great—I really enjoy writing it, especially slow-burns and rivalries and messy feelings galore. I’m fairly adaptable, and I’ll write to your comfort level re: fade-to-blacks. I’m not looking for PWP. Odds are, if you’re looking for a kink list, you’re probably going to be disappointed.[/hider] Now for the good stuff! [h3]The Plots![/h3] [hider=Plot the First!] [center][h3][i]Crumbling Circles[/i] [/h3][/center] After Kirkwall, shit hit the proverbial fan. Of which we saw precisely [i]nothing[/i] in game. I’m sure the novels explored it, but as I have yet to read them, there’s a big, aching gap in the story. So, let’s write it! The Circle of Ostwick is a kinder place than Kirkwall, or even Fereldan, second only to Orlais in liberties for mages. No one is more surprised than the mages of Ostwick when the First Enchanter declares that they will rebel openly against the Chantry in 9:39 Dragon, months before the College of Magi dissolves the Circles. As is often the case when Bad Magical Things Happen, there is blood magic and murder galore. Our characters have to fight to retake and rebuild the Circle of Ostwick. And when the Mage-Templar War begins, well, things will get even more complicated. [hider=Zayra Melthene] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EXE9EFF.png[/img] Zayra is a young Senior Enchanter from the Alienage of Ostwick. She’s drawn to primal magic and specialized in Force Magic, proficient with both earth magic and the manipulation of gravitic rings. She's especially fascinated by the history of magic and how spells evolved throughout the ages. She has published some [i]controversial[/I] essays on her research. She’s fiercely protective of younger mages—especially fellow elves—and a devout Andrastian. She’s pro-Circle, but these sentiments are challenged when Ostwick falls apart. Zayra is grounded and reasonable, one of the moderates caught in a conflict of extremes, and struggling to make sense of it all. I’d love to write her against a Templar, or with another Senior Enchanter. Perhaps mages are brought from other Circles in the aftermath to help rebuild—perhaps a local noble leads the defence against the rebelling Circle. [/hider][/hider] [hider=Plot the Second!] [center][h3][i]On the Wings of Blights[/I][/h3][/center] The Fourth Blight has it all—Griffons, prolonged warfare, and did I mention [i]Motherfucking Griffons[/i]? We’d be following the overall canon of the Blight (duration, battle locations, extinction of the griffons) but with our own characters. My starter post takes place in the immediate aftermath of the destruction of Antiva City, in Wycombe as the Wardens gather to fight back. We can start at any point within the war—maybe our characters are in the thick of things in the Anderfels, or trying to convince Orlais or Tevinter to actually help out. My CS is in the hider below. [hider=Sarein Goureal] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8G1YaUA.png[/img] [h1]Sarein Goureal[/h1] [i]“The Maker smiles sadly on his Grey Wardens, so the Chantry says, as no sacrifice is greater than theirs.”[/i] [/center] [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Birthdate:[/b] 8 Justinian, 4:90 Black [b]Birthplace:[/b] Alienage of Val Royeaux, Orlais [b]Class:[/b] Rogue, Archery specialist. Sarein is a survivor. Raised in an overcrowded and dilapidated slum, she had to get creative to get by. She learned at an early age how to move silently and misdirect attention. Both came in handy when she began picking locks and pockets, a craft which put food on her plate and dry shoes on her feet. Her relative success did not endear her much to her peers, and Sarein learned early on that, in the streets of Val Royeaux, fellow elves were motivated more by desperation than kinship. Embittered by the hopelessness of her situation, Sarein took on greater risks. She forged herself into a thief-- and scrapper-- of considerable skill. Commanding a loose network of human and elven children alike, she began hitting the nobles of Orlais with concentrated robberies. At eighteen, her luck went sour, and Sarein was captured after robbing a Comtesse. She thought herself lucky when Senior Warden Givrail, whom several of her child thieves had attempted to pickpocket, invoked the Rite of Conscription. Sarein later amended that to 'completely fucked' when she underwent the Joining. Her first four years with the Wardens were spent traveling with Givrail, recruiting and endlessly training. After the destruction of Antiva that heralded the beginning of the Fourth Blight, Sarein and Givrail traveled to Wycome to join their fellow wardens. [/hider] We have all sorts of options for your character. A fellow Grey Warden? Maybe a Recruit—hell, maybe even a Warden Commander. A soldier from Fereldan! An apostate who gets swept up in the battle! The options are endless.[/hider] [hider=Plot the Third!][h3][center][i]Circles Within Circles Within Circles[/i][/center][/h3] Vivienne is named Divine, and the Circles are reborn. Templars are leashed to the Divine, but mages enjoy unprecedented freedom with the Circles and are a political force to be reckoned with. After a few revolts, the mages are brought to heel and the Divine begins reconstruction. Takes place before Trespasser. [hider=Petra de Sauveterre] [img] http://41.media.tumblr.com/5a9bcf008a51682692a286cd2c472220/tumblr_nrfsqjfiSx1s99kiro1_500.png[/img] Petra de Sauveterre was a Senior Enchanter at Montsimmard. Quiet and pleasant, she neither flourished nor floundered at The Game—a remarkable neutrality, especially for an elf. Instead, she focused almost exclusively on her studies. She never imagined the Circles would fall. When they did, Petra barely survived the initial conflict. A mage sympathizer saved her life and she put her skills to good use. She traveled Orlais, helping mages reach safehouses, especially young children whose magic was just emerging. The Breach opened—the Inquisition rose—and the world was saved. Petra did her part on the outside, healing and hoping for stability. She never would have imagined that the Would Be First Enchanter of Montsimmard would be named Divine. Once the world settled down, Petra was given the monumental task of fixing [i]Kirkwall[/i].[/hider] Our characters are about to leave Orlais, charged with the daunting job of fixing the Circle of Kirkwall. This will almost certainly end badly. Perhaps you’ll play the to-be Knight Commander in the Gallows, or the newly risen Viscount. Another mage, perhaps? We have options—delicious, delicious options. The game would have a few major arcs to work through—getting to Kirkwall in a war-torn Thedas, establishing the Circle and providing food and shelter and the like, rebuilding trust among mages and non-mages in the city. And the main drama? Well, that comes from the Enigma of Kirkwall, my friend. Despite our character’s best efforts, people are still getting possessed at alarming rates. Things seem irreparably broken. Then, by pure chance, our characters stumble on a terrifying conspiracy. The Enigma of Kirkwall is a theory explored in detail [url= http://holyshitdragonage.tumblr.com/post/123721290836/the-enigma-of-kirkwall]here[/url] that received a pathetically small amount of screen time in the game. And it explains SO MUCH about why Kirkwall is the way it is. And this theory would make the backbone of the game. Kirkwall is the antagonist, and our poor bastards have to fight it.[/hider] So, there you have it! Three crazy, awesome plots, just waiting for a steady partner. Post here or PM me. Let's do this shit.