It turned out for Aiko that it was actually cooler outside than it was inside her oven of a house so she was taking a nice stroll, soaking up the sunlight. She fiddled with the hitae-ate tied around her wrist, twisting it back and forth until she had to re-tie it (again). It had become a bad habit, the fiddling. It came hand-in-hand with fidgeting, meaning Aiko had an inability to sit still for more than thirty seconds without changing positions or standing up. It was time to buy groceries, specifically vegetables, to make a stew for the night's dinner. Knowing how hot it was in her home, Aiko wouldn't have been surprised if the vegetables cooked themselves! A group of young academy students ran past, one of whom she recognised as her cousin - a promising kid with extraordinary talents for his age. They playfully pushed and shoved eachother through the crowd, knocking over a crate of apples in their wake. Aiko offered to help pick them up for the store owner, only if she let her buy them at half the original price. The merchant was happy and so was Aiko, who walked away with a basket full of bruised apples. She was busy thinking about the types of pie she could make with a crate of bruised apples when she heard a loud voice yell "Hey, you with the red hair!" behind her. A vein pulsated in Aiko's forehead and she swivelled on her heels at the source of the voice. "Uchiha! Who do you think you're calling "with the red hair"?! Do you have any manners?" She shouted, fists clenched. She [i]hated[/i] being acknowledged for her hair.[i] Hated.[/i]