[hider=The Holy Mandisan Dynasty] [b]Location:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OA8m11c.jpg[/img] (If this area is okay. I would also like it to be a sort of arid terrain if allowed.) [b]Name:[/b] Holy Mandisan Dynasty [b]Flag:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jbbYIzT.png[/img] [b]Capital and Major Settlements:[/b] [b]Capital:[/b] Heliopolis [b]Major cities:[/b] Hieraconis Lycostet Scarabarastis [b]Ruler:[/b] Pharaoh Katelyn Thehma [16] [b]Royal Family:[/b] Aria Thehma [10] Horas Thehma [27] [b]People/s:[/b] Humans [b]Kingdom Traits: [/b] Beloved By The People Wondrous Beauty Clean Streets Developed Infrastructure [b]Military Traits:[/b] Trained Troops Riding The Waves Masters Of Ambush [b]Trade Traits:[/b] Filthy Rich Ports Black Market Important Trade Routes [b]Flaws:[/b] Even Your Horses Look Weak Not a Flawless Family 1 Not a Flawless Family 2 Sellswords Depleted Resources [b]Culture: [/b] Mandisa could be described as a heavily religious nation. Near all of its citizen show great respect, if not worship to the Royal Family and their pantheon. Within Heliopolis, one would find the great wonders and statues of the dynasties before. Golden statues and great sandstone constructs adorn the city. Throughout the Empire’s cities, the Pharaoh’s Royal Guard roam the streets, protecting her cities from crime and other squabbles. In near all times of struggle and need, citizens turn to their dear Pharaoh. [b]Military:[/b] When one first thinks of Mandisa’s military, thoughts of the Pharaoh’s dear Royal Guard would come to mind. They are the most elite soldiers in all of Mandisa. Donned in bronze armor and full bronze face masks underneath cloth to cover exposed skin, they find themselves fighting both on the front lines of war and inside the palace as the final defense. On the frontlines, the Royal Guards become masters of hit-and-run ambushes in attempt to pick off brigades of enemies before any assaults take place. As many may infer, the Royal Guard are not plentiful therefore, they do not appear in the heat of war often. This scarcity in troops caused the previous Pharaohs to delve into Mandisan gold hoards to hire the best mercenaries that could be found, leaving the Royal Guard to defend the Pharaoh herself. [b]Economy:[/b] As previously stated, Mandisan lands are rich with precious metals such as gold and jewels. Unfortunately, Mandisa seems to lack the industrial resources such as iron. Along with their plentiful gold resources, Mandisans are known for their wonderful ports to trade for lovely dyes, silks, and wines. Most of this abundance of wealth has made its way in circulation to the Royal Family, religious figures, and other nobles, though they are not greedy. With such an influx of gold, many nations can find great trading opportunities within Mandisa as gold has less value than it may have in outside nations. This allows foreign resources to be paid for with great amounts of riches. Not only is one able to find himself riches and luxuries within the markets of Mandisan lands, but also goods that may be unconventional or not allowed amongst surface merchants. Whatever you wish for, they say can be found within the dark corners of Mandisa. These Mandisan Black Markets were set up by past Dynasties, causing them to have connections within the nobles and Royal Family. This has proven to be both a help and hindrance to the Pharaoh. [b]Reputation:[/b] Amongst the other nations of Seyan, Mandisa has no reputation as a powerhouse, but instead more of an isolated nation in recent years. Past Dynasties have given the nation a terrible reputation to some. With great internal corruption and turmoil, eventually leading to the death of the previous dynasty’s leaders, a vast amount of expectations have been placed upon the shoulders of the new Pharaoh. Because of this, she is compelled by her advisors to make allies with surrounding nations in order to avoid war. Due to most of the conflict being internal, other nations have most likely heard little of Mandisan troubles other than the civil wars and problems. As for rumors spread about the Holy Mandisan Dynasty, many would hear that a new Pharaoh has come into power, years before she was of age to take the throne. Due to her parents death, she had little experience ruling the Dynasty.and she is quite distressed due to the fact that Mandisa had no particular allies. Mandisa’s black market has quite the reputation in itself, though it is being spread more widely now that the current Pharaoh has limited knowledge of its current status. [b]History: [/b] The Holy Mandisan Dynasty has history tracing back to be one of the oldest nations in Seyan. Throughout the years, Mandisa has seen many dynasties. Most Mandisans believe that they were the first native inhabitants of Seyan. The nation is lead by a female figurehead called the Pharaoh. Each Pharaoh is given an animal to symbolize them. This has become a staple of Mandisan society as their religion has advanced. Often times, the true names of Pharaohs are forgotten and they are simply remembered by their titles. Little of Mandisa’s history is known to the public, but it is said that within the palace’s great library, books of all recorded Pharaohs and major decisions in history have been kept. Due to dialect changes, some of the earlier books have yet to be decrypted. The access to this library is restricted to the Royal Family and those who’ve been given access. As for history that is accessible to the public, the past dynasty and the current are quite well known. In the dynasty of the Jackal (The parents of the current Pharaoh), taxing ran wild throughout the nation. Slavery and human trafficking were at an all time high, and though slavery was commonly used within the Mandisan Dynasty, the Pharaoh and her controlling husband took it to an extreme, creating monuments to the gods. Due to the hard labor and dwindling conditions within Mandisa, the eventual assassination of the Jackal Pharaoh and her self empowered husband was inevitable. This leads up to the present Pharaoh’s reign, her blessing ritual still incomplete, causing a great celebration to be planned quite soon. [b]Misc:[/b] Mandisa, currently with an underaged Pharaoh, heavily relies on its advisors and they are well known throughout the nation. Advisors: Adio Khamura [22] Aziza Menes [24] Hekaib Khenaum [35] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JEuSgdP.png[/img] Star- Heliopolis 1-Hieraconis 2-Lycostet 3-Scarabarastis [b]Mandisan Pantheon[/b] Excelsior- God of the Sun, Gold, and Success Hekatoncheires- God of Battle, the City, Martial Virtue Vecnas- Goddess of Secrets, Shadows, and Night Medjae- God of Sands, Serpents, and Subterfuge Ahtos- God of Winds, Weather, and Travel Necrolyte- God of Death, Medicine, and Ritual [/hider]