[center][@Raijinslayer] [color=f7941d]"I don't like him! He's just a creep anyways who would ever love somebody like that!"[/color] Taka replied to him angrily being the typical tsundere that she was, her fists started to turn to fire from the anger that she had inside. Taka was repeatedly stomping the ground before Revan had left them, she then looked back to Aiden as she calmed down slightly. But it wouldn't take long for her to get extremely pissed once more when Aiden decided to be a little bit of a smart ass to her. [color=f7941d]"As I just said you twerp! I. Don't. Like. Him!"[/color] Taka replied to Aiden as she stomped on the ground, she started to breath in and out to calm down again, her hand returning to it's original shape. [color=f7941d]"A request..? Hm... I found one earlier."[/color] Taka said as she pulled out a note from her pocket, she opened it up and handed it to Aiden. [u][b][h3]Family Rescue from Trolls[/h3][/b][/u] Reward: 70,000 J Description: Please excuse me, adventurer. I need you to intervene. They've got my family! They said if I didn't pay their ransom they'd.. they would.. Hero, I have no money, you're my only help. Please save my family from the clutches of those vulgar trolls. I cannot join you, for I have other tasks to attend to, but I know you don't need me anyway. I doubt you'll have problems with the trolls. You don't have to kill them all, just make sure they'll never return. Fortunately I have enough left to reward you greatly for the efforts you have to go through. Blessed journey champion, may you return swiftly and in one piece. [/center]