An "Epic," or person with superpowers, that refuses to be an anime character. He can bring things from alternate universes, including alternate versions of himself! [no current roleplay] [hider=Ryan Brunswald] [center][img][/img] What's up with all the anime? I don't see the appeal of everyone having the exact same faces, besides eye and hair color/shape. Name: Ryan Brunswald Age: 25 Powers: Manipulation of foreign alternate universes (quantum physics, in a way). In other words, he can bring things from other alternate universes. He could make it appear that he's wearing something other than what he is, he could appear like a different person, etc. Unknowingly for him, if he were to die, his power would pull over another version of him that didn't die, so he has a sort-of reincarnation ability. Weapons: A 9mm w/ holster, laser light, and flashlight, both mounted on the bottom/side, a Swiss army knife, and a hunting knife w/ holster. Bio: Another tragic story- hurrah. But nevertheless- Ryan's earliest memory was when he was a mere five or six years old, when, for whatever reason, his house was on fire. Police thought it was because someone left something in the kitchen running on low, rather than being completely turned off, and eventually lit something on fire in the middle of the night. Ryan remembers nothing before the fire, and so he doesn't have anything but his parents' screams and his older sister's wails. After that, he was passed from orphanage to children's home to orphanage, before finally being adopted by a sterile couple who wanted a child, minus the diaper changing and tantrum phase. So five years after losing his family, he gets a new one. He pretends and goes with it, never argues, acts the part of the perfect child, while biding his time to get away from people- in general. He was out of college as soon as possible, and struck out on his own, crossing the 'states to get away from anyone who knew his apparently popular parents, and started to settle down. Then he was caught in an accident- and he was killed in a car crash. He woke up an hour later on the opposite side of town, the memories of the past day fuzzy at best, and was very quickly called a demon by the religious folk, a miracle by other religious folk, and an unexplainable fault in physics- because he was tested for DNA and fingerprints and all that, which turned up exactly the same as his dead body. Two years on the run, staying out of sight, later, he found himself within what he refers to as "The 'Field," with a bunch of what he calls "Epics"- people with powers like him- and his theory that he wasn't the only person with unexplainable 'powers' proven. Dreams/Wishes: Ask him and find out. Nightmares: Unlike other "Epics," as he calls them, he has consistent nightmares about [REDACTED!]- always [REDACTED!]. Knowing that he has consistent nightmares about very [REDACTED!] [REDACTED!], he has sense figured that he has a weakness, and that weakness is [REDACTED!] [REDACTED!]. Burning him with a [REDACTED!] would prevent him from reincarnating. Evil, Good, Walking the Line: Neutral/adaptive. If Evil's getting out and beating up the Goods, he'll be Evil. If Good's getting out and suppressing the Evils, then he'll be Good. Siblings (If Any): None Pets (If Any): A younger ball python that he decided to buy once, before he was taken into the 'Field.[/center] [/hider]