Marcus' figure was approaching very quickly now, with the four mysterious figures in tow. Two of them warped near Marcus, so naturally Paul was ready to come help if it hadn't been for the other two who warped right in front of him. As if time had slowed down, Paul leaped off of the ground and slammed both of his feet into one of the figures' chest, bouncing off of him with enough force to send Paul flying back with even enough time to a flip and the BA [url=]"land kneeling down"[/url] pose that we all know and love. The other figure rushed at Paul with his machete in hand, it's eyes ablaze with a berserker fury. Paul quickly reached for his dagger, which miraculously was in his coat. He slashed horizontally, slicing through the figure's knee with enough force to make it stumble, after which Paul sliced vertically at the figure's throat. Before he could slice it's head in half, it vanished in a wispy black smoke. Paul probably would've died in the couple seconds of confusion if it hadn't been for Marcus' timely arrival in taking out the other figure. "I was in the neighborhood, decided to stop by" Marcus called out as he got into a ready stance along with Paul. "Heh, 'appreciate it." The four figures reappeared surrounding Paul and Marcus with their guns in one hand and their machetes in the other. "What do you say we get out of here?" Paul requested, sensing the futility of battle.