[quote=@The Mad Hatter]I'm just popping my head in to let you know that [url=http://img14.deviantart.net/b745/i/2013/301/8/b/i_m_watching_you_3_d_conversion_by_mvramsey-d6s7ck5.jpg]I'm keeping an eye on this[/url]. I won't actually know if I have the time for this for another couple of days, but I sure hope that I will.[/quote] Woah, that picture is...[i]unsettling.[/i] Sounds great though. I hope you do too. Just know that as long as this is alive it shall be open. This is a fact, which is [i]very[/i] unlikely to change throughout its existence. [quote=@Innue]yoshua171 I've just been super busy with life recently and am trying to meet some deadlines on some creative projects that I've been working on. I'll try to get back in a groove to incorporate roleplay again if possible.[/quote] No problem man. Do whatcha need to. Get to this if you can. I haven't thrown out any of our ideas in regards to the...[i]research project,[/i] if you catch my meaning.