Magic Habb was used to resembled mathematics and physics more than the magic queen Julia described: weird people with innate gifts, social outcasts and rejects, would sit for days at the time, studying dusty tomes in some godforsaken hole, trying to master the lore. The queen spoke of living waters that would devour a weakling, of natural forces uncontrollable by man and it was frightening to someone not really fond of real magic, like Habb, who had to learn who to rely on poor old magician's acts due to his lack of insight and talent with the real arcane arts...and of course his need to earn money any way he can. The thought of visiting such a place was scary, but it was the best chance for him to find a way to go back home. [color=007236]"Alright, your majesty,"[/color] Habb said.[color=007236] "I assume you are already familiar with this magical river of your? Is that why your eyes do...the thing?"[/color]