[quote=@Thortain] Name/Nicknames: Gruthgar Bronzepeak Race: Dwarf Age: 200 Appearance: [img] http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammerfb/images/6/66/Gotrek.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130714062500 [/img] Gruthgar stands at 4'8 With a deep orange beard with iron clasps and buckles fixing his thick braids. He is well built and muscular but has a prominent beer belly. Gruthgar sustained an injury, which took his eye and a portion of his cheek. It has since been mended via skin-graphs but his eye was unable to be fixed, thus he wears a sturdy leather eye patch, and his beard around the wound has turned white. He wears a loose leather jacket with pin striped white trousers a white button shirt. Around his neck he wears a bronze pendent with his family emblem carved into it. Personality: He has the mentality of someone with experience beyond his years and has an outwardly gruff personality. He is brash but plain with a hard working demeanour. He’s suspicious, with a fierce sense of honour and duty. Foolhardy and stubborn, Guthgar will see something through even if others believe it the worse option and is renowned for sticking to his plans. Bio: Guthgar is originally from Scotland, with a light Scottish accent, and was raised with in a tightly knit clan society, brought up with the values of honour and integrity. His community was raided by a Scottish branch of the Hunters, during which he was knocked unconscious and believes he should have died in the raid. After some years of wondering working in an underground fighting ring, where he obtained his eye wound, he encountered Nyxvira Bloodbloom; who invited him to work for her as an enforcer, after words reached her about his prominence as a fighter. He moved to Santa Somabra with the Syndicate, where now he works as an enforcer of Nyxvira, and in return uses her name as crowbar to find information on the hunters. Other: Gruthgar has runic shotgun which has been imbued with magic and Dwarven engineering to allow it to serve as a long range weapon and an axe in close quarters. [/quote] Approved! Welcoming our first Dwarf to the game! Feel free to chuck Gruthgar's Character Sheet in to the CS section.