[img]http://shinewrestling.com/sites/default/files/news/(transparent%20%26%20high%20res)%20Valkyrie%20Logo.png[/img] [I]"Shadows fall, And hope has fled. Steel your heart, The dawn will come." [/I] - Dragon Age. Victoria lit up at the thought of being invited to help the Latverian and Sovokian people. She wanted to help avert any and all war. But a more pressing matter was at hand right now. The HULK. She couldn't turn down another cry for help by SHIELD but she also could not be in two places at once. As Doom left she called after him. “I would very much like to help your people. After SHIELD no longer needs me and should you require my aid once again, do not hesitate to seek me out. Victor.” He may have shown disinterest by his leave but Valkyrie did take it to heart. She let her voice linger as an echoed whisper in the aether. And then she was gone all but for a single feather which floated down from the sky. Coulson could only watch the winged messenger's silhouette against the moon. ---- A radar bleeps on the control panel of a small SHIELD plane en route to rendezvous with The Valkyrie. “It's her, open the hatch.” Maria Hill orders and the back door of the vehicle drops down just in time for Victoria to fly into and land with a thud in her armoured boots. With all on her mind, left reeling from the charity ball, she had trouble concentrating on her armour transmutation, it kept shifting between her modernisation to the Asgardian classic. “Your-” Maria started but before she could point it out, Valkyrie cut her off. “I know.” “You need to calm down.” Agent Hill retorts as Victoria joined her at the cockpit just standing behind her. “What's the situation?” She asked, getting down to business. “The Hulk was apparently transported to Australia by that Loki guy to stop him ransacking New York. But the helicarrier there has called in for backup when they tried to intervene an attack on Hulk.” Maria explained as they jetted straight for the other side of the world. “The Hulk...” Victoria looks down, holding a closed gloved fist to her chest. “What would they want with him if not to use him somehow? They couldn't possibly kill him.” “Yeah. Poor thing.” One of the agents said behind them. Victoria turns around and snaps. “He isnt a thing! He's a human being! Have some respect.” Her emotional outburst left Maria wondering for her mental state. “Yes Ma'am.” The agent mumbles as the Valkyrie walks past her to get some well earned rest. A few hours later, in a small bunk bed on top another in [url=http://s1.zerochan.net/Alexiel.600.24742.jpg]casual dress[/url]. Her legs dangled over the edge. “Sigyn. She called me...Sigyn.” Baffled by the name. “I'm a Valkyrie. A norse angel.” As her mind fixated on the idea, a book materialises in her hand. “Norse Mythology...?” She opened the book and flicked through the pages. “Sigyn is oft referred to as Loki's wife....a goddess of Asgard. The goddess of Fidelity. The woman called me that too.” As she continued on to read. “Loki, the God of Mischief, brother to Thor...caused the end of the world. Ragnarok.” She shut the book tight. “It must be a coincidence.” She throws the book across the small quarters and lays back in bed staring at the ceiling. “And I'm certainly no Goddess.” She frowned as she read the latest report concerning Valkyrie. “People are calling this Valkyrie a false prophet. She has shook the very foundations of our religious history. People are asking – is she really an angel or a demon disguised as one?” Her heart sank deeper than the ocean at reading these claims. “A demon.” She looks over her dainty feminine hands, a small golden hue resonating from her skin. She began to questioning herself, her very existence. “People fear what they do not understand.” Her mind thought back to the Hulk smashing up New York. He was angry then. But not a peep out of him until he was provoked in the middle of nowhere. “Misunderstood. It's time to understand him.” She closes her fist tight in determination. “Whoever took him will be sorry.” ---- The Outback, Australia. Local time. Dust particles are forced up from underneath a heeled white boot stepping onto the terrain, belonging to the Valkyrie. She wore a grey cloak over her long dress to cover herself from the sun. Although she didnt realise yet, that it wouldnt much affect her toughened Asgardian skin. So much still to learn of her true self and her kin. She scanned the area, a small tent lay on its side, next to some broken scientific equipment, and dotted around were some craters. A large scuffle took place here. She came here with only 2 other agents, Maria Hill and Clay Quartermain. The same Loki who had helped fend off serpents at her charity ball had taken the Hulk here. He must have trusted him. Someone who had caused the Ragnarok would not help people in this way, surely? But she remembered not what drove him to it, maybe she would understand why he did it, being that she had an empathetic nature. She could sense pain and suffering, she heard a faint Hulk roar of the past that echoed in time. She held her arms. “He's in pain.” She felt it as if it were her pain, wandering the campsite, feeling his soul energy. “He only wanted...to be left alone!” She clutched her elbows tightly. Suddenly a cat like roar came from behind her, she turns in time to dodge a flying Sabertooth coming her way. She side steps too fast for the mutant and watches as he zips past her and lands less gracefully than usual, having just being flung a long way by Hulk. “What is that?!” Clay points his gun at it. Victoria stands to face him. “Some...kind of crazy cat man?” She shrugs, not feeling very threatened by him at this point. As the Saber-toothed man went for another lunge, Victoria makes her shield appear and he pelts into it head first. His wounds had healed over but he was still suffering the earlier fight. “What did you do with the Hulk? You wouldnt be here if you didnt have anything to do with it otherwise...” Her eyes narrow at the growling mutant as she demanded answers, showing some of that Asgardian fiery spirit within.