[center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/logocomics/images/b/b0/Guardians_of_Knowhere_%282015%29_logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20150309210137[/img][/center] The calm hum of the engines helped fill the silence that had swept over the bridge of the Shockwave Rider, as it swiftly rocketed through the darkness of space. Its pilot, X-51, sat towards the front, his robotic arm connected to the controls mechanically. The Machine Man had no need for a steering wheel when he was in control. Towards the left of the bridge, located on the cold metal floor, sat a young animalistic girl, whose general attitude and appearance made her truly stand up to her namesake; Troll. While munching on what remained of her ration pack, the Asgardian was spending her time productively by gazing upon the group’s fearless leader, who had seated himself slightly behind X-51. Cosmo was a native of the primitive planet of Earth, although he was the exact opposite of primitive. His psychic abilities are grand in power, as well as rumoured to be even stronger than his thick Russian accent. Oh, and he’s a dog. They are the Guardians of Knowhere, and they are heading to Xandar. Or what’s left of it anyway. X-51 didn’t quite know what to make of their situation. A dog, an Asgardian girl in a fur suit, and a Machine Man didn’t seem like the makings of an adventure. At least on the same level as what X-51 had recently been used to; meeting a Watcher, the Celestials, and fighting several members of the Fraternity of Raptors. Still, this psychic dog was interesting to the Machine Man. As was the little wild girl gnawing on some rations across the ship staring at him. If anyone could see through the red eyes of the purple clad Machine Man they would see what appeared to be several computer screens with various info and statistics. A new screen tab was in the eye of the man who had the brain of a sentient machine, entering new data. His personal thoughts rather, as X-51 had always been known as the ‘machine with a soul’ back on Earth. “File Log. Guardians of Knowhere. Entry One: I don’t know how this animal could’ve possibly connected to a machine like myself psychically. Color me out of theories. Helping one of the only other sentients out of Knowhere, the three of us are venturing to the next devastated space sector. This dog is a real Lassy, though his name tag suggests his name is Cosmo. ‘Cosmo’ is urging me to fly the my ship to Xandar, home of the Nova Corps. Maybe he wants to file a report, or maybe he wants a place to urinate. Or kibble. He can connect with my mechanical mind, but can he read my words?” Machine Man noted in his left eye’s screens. [i][color=fff79a]I can... but I’m far too tired to keep up with a machine. Wake me when we reach Xandar…[/color][/i] the resting dog said in a way the Machine Man couldn’t explain. X-51 wouldn’t like his awkward face. He’s maybe only used it a dozen times in his life until now. They approached their destination in record time. The Shockwave Rider was fast for it’s size. Though it could’ve just been any upgrades X-51 had installed in the last thirty-six hours with his morphing technological body. Cosmo, however didn’t need waking. The dog perked up his head sharply as the ship descended upon what had once been the mighty Xandar. It wasn’t the Machine Man she had read. No, it was the former screams and cries of the people of Xandar. Cosmo bolted from his seat and jump up at the bridge’s window, paws against the glass. [i][color=fff79a]This not good. Cosmo can… Cosmo can still hear them screamink…[/color][/i] A hand on his back caused Cosmo to turn from the glass, looking up. He was surprised to find Troll, otherwise known as Gunna looking down to him reassuringly. The girl was unusually quiet, although that was probably due to the fact that she had realized how drastic the situation was. The young Asgardian looked up from her furry friend and out into the darkness of space once more. It was evident that great destruction had happened here, with small pieces of rubble floating past them as the ship came to a gradual stop above the now barren planet. She watched each piece in fascination, yet also with some kind of respect. Cosmo had been hurt by what had happened here. Troll was Cosmo’s friend. Gunna was confused though. Looking down at the planet surface, she found it empty. No rolling hills like back in Asgard. Now tall, towering mountains. Just ash and smoke. It just looked...dead. But that wasn’t why Gunna was confused. What she was wondering was where were the attackers? Where were her new prey? “No fight?” She asked intently, turning back to Cosmo. Despite her incredibly broken english, the dog still understood her. [i][color=fff79a]No Gunna. Just death…[/color][/i] [hr] Mexxa held her head low, she lying on her back looking into the sky she ignored her ship. As she thought there were no other Novas left, she was the only one. Once a great organisation, and a great system of planets. Reduced to nothing, for what? Boasting rights for some Kree scumbag? A little growing room for a power hungry Empire? Or did they feel that Xandar posed some kind of threat from some age old conflict that had long been resolved? No, the only one who’d be punished now would be the one who did this and she’d make sure it was painful and that he’d regret killing all the people he had. He’d feel their pain as he wiped them out of existence and more importantly, he’d feel [i]her[/i] pain. She stood up and watched the ship approached. If this was some bastard coming to make sure everyone was dead they’d be sorely disappointed... [hr] Alarms began to sound throughout the room as the Shockwave Rider's scanner detected something heading their direction. In response, the dog reared his head around and peered intently through the glass. Something was heading towards them. Something which hadcaught the attention of young Gunna. Her eyes widened at the sight of the incoming object. She didn’t have to be a genius to know that the blue light rocketing towards them was a threat. An enemy. Troll knew just how to deal with enemies. Unfortunately for Troll’s sake, this incoming projectile wasn’t an enemy. After quickly performing a psychic scan, Cosmo realized that he had met this incoming target before. She was called Mexxa; a member of the infamous Nova Corp. She had visited the Collector’s museum before long ago when Cosmo had been in captivity. She had been friendly and polite. It would seem however that Mexxa had somehow assumed that they were responsible for this mess. Maybe if Cosmo could psychically contact her first there wouldn’t be much of an issue? However it seemed that wasn’t going to be how things would play out. Screaming a mighty war cry, the Asgardian sweeped her battleaxe, Jarnbjorn, from off the floor where it had been perched, and charged forward. Cosmo watched in horror as she moved swiftly through the bridge, building speed, before pouncing forward through the bridge’s front windscreen. Cosmo had a brief glance of Troll hurtling towards the incoming Nova before the blast doors shut over the gaping hole in the windscreen, in which he could only groan in annoyance as he watched her raise her axe over her head menacingly. This couldn’t end well. For anyone. Had she been from Earth like X-51 and Cosmo she would have been impressed at the speed she had acquired. Both a blue trail of energy followed her and a streak of flame as she was building up speeds, had there been life on this planet this would have been dangerous. She began slowing however as she got closer to the ship, it was no Kree vessel. However she didn’t have a chance to find out who it really was when some… thing? one? Came crashing through its windscreen brandishing some kind of weapon. She sped herself back up, arms extended. Going straight for the chest shot, if she could get a good grip off… whoever this was then she could find out what was going on. Find out why they were [i]here[/i] especially now that everything had happened, this wasn’t a coincidence. Something greater was at play here and she was going to find out what. She aimed straight for the midriff of the strange warrior, hitting dead on target aiming her towards the top of the spacecraft and then stopping. Allowing her [i]adversary[/i] to career towards and land on top of the craft. She was going to get to the bottom of this, she wasn’t going to take out her frustration on innocent people. Though if they knew something... Gunna recovered from the attack well, tumbling slightly before perching herself on all fours in a very feral position. If there was one thing that the Magzi Tribe taught her well, it was to survive. Well that, or kill. Growling angrily at the strangely armoured woman who was now hovering above the top of the Shockwave Rider, Troll burst forward once more, swinging Jarnbjorn wildly as she moved. The blade narrowly missed the mystical woman with her first strike, although her second swing was somewhat successful, with Gunna hitting her with the flat side of the axe as he brought it back. Mexxa was about to speak, when the woman? She couldn’t be sure as there was something not quite right about her, came back with a swing. The first one missing however the second shot hit the mark, and it hurt more than it should have. It was an axe for World Minds sake, how [i]strong[/i] was this woman? Though of course not a lot of that was going through her mind until she had corrected her fall. She huffed, pointing both of her arms on front of her connected them palm to palm and then firing a bolt of energy directly at her opponent. She didn’t wait for it to strike. “Alright, you’re not Kree. Who are you and what are you doing here?” A smile spread across Gunna’s face as Mexxa fell backwards after being hit, although that quickly faded when the warrior quickly rose to her feet. Her eyes widened as the woman outstretched her hands, before slamming them together. What happened next appeared to be the work of the mighty Thor. A blast of what appeared to be bright blue lightning shot forward out of the warriors hands, shooting towards her. Jarnbjorn luckily took the full blunt of the attack, although the mass of energy caused Troll to fly backwards. Drifting up into the air, Gunna realized what was happening. Panicking, she made a mad series of grabs towards the roof of the ship with her spare hand, all the while drifting away from the Shockwave Rider. She simply hissed at the woman’s question before shouting the words “Kill you!” loudly towards her. [I][color=fff79a]Gunna that is no way to be talkink to the Nova corp…[/color][/i] As soon as Gunna heard Cosmo’s voice in her head, she found herself stopping in place. The savage Asgardian turned her head madly, smiling eagerly as she spotted Cosmo appeared from below. The leader of the Guardians was currently wearing the remainder of his old Russian cosmonaut uniform, his eyes glowing brightly as he used his telepathic and telekinetic abilities. He floated gently, landing on the ship’s roof with ease, before bring Gunna back towards the craft. [i][color=fff79a]Hello Mexxa. It is Cosmo. We met back on Knowhere.[/color][/i] The dog wagged his tail eagerly as he sat down before the Nova Corpsman. [i][color=fff79a]There is no need to be worryink, Mexxa. We are here to help![/color][/i]