(Young dragon character to follow if this is acceptable, was also contemplating a fae dragon if that'll work better.) Race: Dragon Race description: Dragons are known for many things, immense physical power, ancient complex magics, natural shapeshifting ability, and an extreme disinterest in the races of short lifespans. These are the elder ones. Fortunately, most of the trouble making ones don't get old enough before their eventual demise at the hands of the rest of the world and the elder ones are quite content to not be involved with the trivial squabblings of lesser beings or even be seen for that matter. This leaves the younger generation as the more social of their kind. Until living through a couple generations, young dragons often mingle with the other beings. Prideful, arrogant, curious, and usually naturally proficient in some style of magic they often get tied up in some sort of drama among the other races. (AKA angsty teenage phase) Young dragons often are only experienced enough at shapeshifting to hide themselves amongst humans before they are set loose, and tend to naturally specialize in one branch of magic depending on the breed and heritage. They have three forms, a human one that they often view as 'beneath' them to take (but will do so out of necessity), a hybrid form that similar to a half dragon, and a feral form where they can use the full extent of their power. While interacting with other beings they will often take their hybrid form, as thumbs are very useful and their feral form tends to be too large for moving about rooms. They will only begrudgingly take a human form out of necessity as most prefer to show of their draconic heritage (and superiority) if given a chance to. The feral form varies in size greatly between a small car and a bus, and comes with both sharp claws, a breath attack, and (usually) wings. It is rare for a dragon to live past the age of 500, usually falling due to some sort of drama such as coming into conflict with an entire race or even worse angering an elder dragon to the point of action. Most of those that do are the smarter ones, and only the smartest and most diplomatic among them live long enough to be considered an elder drake.