Meryn's expression morphed from irritated to baffled at the queen's explanation. Magic… water? Confusion written plain on her face, she looked from the queen, to Diego, to the others gathered around as she tried to process everything. Everyone else seemed to take this information in stride. Some were already changing into their new clothes, while others were voicing their agreement to go to the magic people-eating water. Meryn had no doubt such water existed in this world – it seemed bizarre enough to fit. But everyone just seemed so… normal about it. Her eyes were drawn once again to the nine bags resting on the ground. Three people were still left behind. People that the Alchemist had so casually thrown into this strange world filled with mystical rivers and crumbling castles. Meryn turned back to scan the roof again, hoping to see some movement from the chimney, but all was still. What if they couldn't climb? Or didn't fit? What if they'd been left to the Claws of Anarchy to fend for themselves? Worry clawed up her throat as she glanced between the people around her, memories of bloody bodies strewn around the room flashing through her mind. Looking back at the bags, she counted again. Two men and a woman. Ignoring everyone else, Meryn balled her hands into fists at her sides and pushed past Diego. Her stride turned into a jog, and then a sprint back towards the ramp. She knew this was likely the stupidest thing she could possibly do in this situation, but what else was there? Abandon them completely? The people who'd dropped them all here didn't seem to care about them enough to give real information about why they were here – or even give them a choice. The ramp was trickier to climb than it was to descend – especially since all the traffic from before had no doubt weakened it. But if there was one thing Meryn knew how to do, it was getting from one place to another as quickly as possible. Soon enough, she found herself back on the roof. The sounds of chaos reverberated from inside the castle (their room, especially), and uncertainty crept through her – but she grit her teeth against her fear. Going back down the chimney would take too long and she'd be dropping down into an unknown situation. And so, she began looking around the roof and castle walls for some other entry point.