October 29. 1206 hours. CDC Center. Third Floor. The monitor had a countdown going and all four of the guards were looking at it, talking animatedly. “Look, I don’t fucking now how or why either. I’m assuming it was supposed to be removed from the programming but it was overlooked since shit was thrown together so fast. It’s probably a cleaning protocol or something. Some time to remove them from the rooms and sanitize them.” There was an explosion of questions and ‘what the fuck’s and the guard just held his hands up and waited for a moment of silence. “Hey, look. Look. I didn’t DO this. Ok? I’m just telling you what I THINK. Fuck. To be honest, the hows and whys don’t matter anyway. They’re moot. What matters, what REALLY matters, is that when that clock hits zero, EVERY room, every door here is going to unlock and open. Automatically. First, second, and third. Come noon, November 3rd, that’s fact. Tomorrow. So instead of worrying about this shit, let’s put our heads together and figure out what exactly the FUCK we’re going to do. Take 5 minutes, relax, and think. Come back in five.” It was about fifteen minutes later that they came to a decision. Two separate decisions actually. Two of the guards decided they were going to stay and hold down the place. They couldn’t see the other floors as the cameras were damaged, but they assumed there couldn’t be much down there in terms of undead. And the living would have no reason to be here. They figured, especially with a few bodies from those inside the rooms, they could clear the place and then barricade it and use the building as a base of operation. The other two guards decided to utilize the helicopter that was on the roof and head north. One of them assumed it was better to go north, have a more moderate or cold climate, assuming that the reanimated would have harder times in the cold. It was a logic that many zombie enthusiasts believed--but that was before there were ACTUAL reanimated dead walking the Earth. They could not access the armory, they didn’t have the credentials, so they would have to wait until the doors unlocked. Until then, they each had a loaded side arm and 3 additional magazines. That seemed sufficient and they didn’t divide it up any further. In fact, they split everything in half. This included food, water, and medical supplies. [color=39b54a][color=39b54a][hr] [/color][/color] The next few days were a mix of arguments, tension, anxiety, and NOTHING. There was literally nothing to do but wait. Within the first day, everything that needed to be done was done. They checked gear, checked gear again, slept. Ate. Checked gear. That, and they watched the time tick down, daily. Come November 3rd there was an eerie silence between the guards and they all more or less huddled in the control room eying the clock, occasionally talking, or walking away only to be sucked back into the room. [h1][color=39b54a][b]TIME UNTIL MANDATORY SANITATION DOOR RELEASE : 00d:00h:23m:16s... [/b] [/color][/h1]