Six months of civil war in the South American republic of Valverde have come to a climax. With the forces loyal to US-backed President Augustin Ochoa defecting or deserting in droves, the capital city of Esmarcion is nearly undefended. Opposition leader General Leopoldo Cortes is expected to have control of the city by nightfall. In desperation, President Ochoa flees to the embassy of the United States and demands protection, accompanied by UN peacekeepers tasked with protecting what the international community views as the legitimate power. However, Cortes wants Ochoa alive for a public trial- little things like international law aren't going to stop him from dragging Ochoa out of the embassy. It's up to a small and embattled group of defenders- US Marines, peacekeepers, and the President's own men- to keep this one man safe from an entire army. The real question, though- is El Presidente worth protecting? This is the basic setup for a fun little modern warfare/ political thriller game. I think there's a lot of interesting opportunities in this idea, and I'm willing to accept suggestions on how to tighten this scenario up. Any takers?