Lachlan looked at him with a raised eyebrow and giggled. "Yes, -The- Everwood I suppose. And you're THE Robertson." He chuckled again and sat down across from Callum and stretched himself for a second. He barely had time to do anything else when his second cage started making mewing sounds and Lach reached down to unclasp the pet gate to let a gorgeous white kitten out. The kitten had black spots all over it and didn't waste any time in pouncing onto Lachlan's lap, looking at him daring him to say something. Well, so far so good. Managed to find a seat with someone he at least knew, got Zora out of her cage, and was now staring at the other boy awkwardly. Definitely the best first impression ever. "Er, so Callum. Or do you prefer Cal? I personally prefer Lach since the lan just gets in the way after awhile." He smiled and realized how idiotic he was sounding and wanted to just punch himself into a ball and disappear. "Well, anyway. Are you excited to be heading to the school?" His smiled stayed in place and all Lach could do was hope that Callum didn't think he was a complete idiot and decide that perhaps it was best to find a new compartment. In his lap Zora realized Ghost was in the compartment as well and the kitten climbed down her human pet's leg ladder and stared at the wolf pup's eyes. She playfully padded his leg and tilted her head to the side.