[hider=Alina Mersenne] Name: Alina ‘Cosmos’ ‘8191’ Mersenne [hider=Appearance:] [img] http://pre05.deviantart.net/328a/th/pre/i/2012/292/6/a/female_sniper_class_by_retroafro1-d5ibf9x.png [/img] [/hider] Race: Human-Biomechanically enhanced Gender: Female Age: 29 Background: From the slums of Quido, one of the 6 industrial planets in the Kypo belt, Alina was the product of her mother’s job and a drunk space captain in need of love. At the age of 7 she was moved to a orphanage after her mother was killed. In the orphanage she learnt how to survive, by fighting, stealing and running if need to. When she was 16 she started to work in the local scavenger factories, pulling out anything of value from cargo belts. Never one for sitting by and letting things happen she started to get in trouble after a fight with some boys, severely injuring one boy. The boy’s father was the boss of the local crime syndicate and sent men to rough her up. Hearing what they were going to do she hopped on board a spacecraft to another one of the industrial planets. Worried by what might happen to her she enlisted with the Space Corp, lying about her age. Sent to the training center in the Harlif quadrant she moved quickly up in ranks. During a mission (3 years since joining the PGC), suppressing a rebellion, Alina was under heavy fire and took a plasma bolt to the shoulder, causing her to lose her arm. Wanting to die in peaceful environment she crawled into a cave nearby. Waiting to die her vision started to blacken as she collapsed. 8191 woke up from what felt like a deep sleep, she had no idea how long, in agony. All over her body metallic prostheses covered her various wounds. Her entire right arm was now a metal bionic attachment along with her left foot. Taking her to a hidden facility on board a “defunct” battle cruiser, in a different galaxy, scientists fixed her up, replacing body parts where needed. She became known as subject 8191 to the scientists at the facility. Once 8191 had recuperated from the surgery she was forced to begin a training regime for “research” purposes. Originally she was happy to do this until they started injecting her with drugs to increase her stamina and strength. After that she was forced to start training with criminals (that were told if they killed her they would be released) and be forced to kill them to survive. If she didn’t comply to scientists demands she would be starved or tortured until she conceded to their wishes. Retrained in weapons and fighting 8191 became a killer that was used on missions too questionable to authorize under normal law. This carried on until Alina started to formulate a plan to escape. After waiting 6 years for an opportunity, she got one. When returning from a mission a blackout happened as she was being escorted to her room. She broke free from the guards and ran off. After making a detour she went to the facilities hanger, stealing one of the transportation/guard ships that the facility used. As she blasted off the battleship the whole facility shook as the nuclear cores slowly burnt the ship up along with all on it. After a quick stop off at her home planet to get her new ship altered she proceeded to head over to the Xenovia System where she heard the pickings were good for someone who could fight. It was only after she arrived did she find out about the civil war happening and about the Starfire company. Needing an employer she joined up with them. This also helped as the PGC were always chasing the Starfire company out of the galaxy, not to much avail but there was a strong dislike between the tow military organisations. Personality: Always brooding she looks constantly confused and angry. Unused to human contact she prefers to keep her own company and trains constantly. Once given orders she carries them out to the best of her abilities and fears failure. Often seen and heard talking to herself most people would regard her as cracked and broken. One subject makes her both angry and scared, the Space Corp. Gear: [hider=1x Plasma Multi-purpose Tactical Weapons Unit] [img] http://orig09.deviantart.net/f24a/f/2010/175/c/5/dark_nova__wolfe_ac_by_breandan_ociarrai.jpg [/img] [/hider] [hider=2x Sub-Atomic VibroSeax] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/a036/f/2014/258/b/0/dark_nova__varangian_guard_vibroseax_by_breandan_ociarrai-d7zb34y.jpg [/img] [/hider] [hider=1x Electromag Shield] [img]http://starwarslocals.yolasite.com/resources/Gungan_Personal_Energy_Shield_by_Vorashnik.jpg[/img](capable of stopping most small arms and laser bullets) [/hider] [hider=1x Laser Pistol] [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/526b/th/pre/f/2015/054/9/e/futuristic_pistol___concept_by_gabrielegabba-d8j83yl.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=1x Crossbow pistol] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/0dd7/f/2014/223/e/c/pellet_and_bolt_crossbow_pistol_by_vengefulpadre-d7usxg1.jpg[/img] (to use in the rare cases when normal laser and plasma weapons don't work. The only thing she could find on Quido that wasn't powered by a resource she took it as a back up weapon.) [/hider] 1x Elite Space Corp Tactical body armour (capable of stopping most small arms and laser bullets) 1x Bionic arm and foot (stronger, detachable, capable of surviving more extreme conditions) 1x Tactical Eyepiece 1x Oxypack (allowing breathing in low/no oxygen environments) Personal Ship: [hider=‘The Black Comet’ ] [img] http://pre01.deviantart.net/0840/th/pre/f/2014/261/b/a/valkyrie_i_by_quesocito-d7zlt6i.jpg [/img] Stolen when she broke out of the Facility it was used as a transportation/guard ship. Taking it back to her home planet and using some favours, and threats, she got it stripped and rebuilt so that it runs faster, has more firepower and can take more damage than before. The name cam from the fact that when she bought it into land on Quido the engine was smoking causing it to look like a black comet. Now fitted with a cloaking device and more armaments than before she stole it. Now with a basic living area, high class Space Corp weapons and navigation she can evade recapture and use the ship as a base of operations when needed. [/hider] [/hider]