[center][h2]Introduction[/h2] [h1]this is an out-of-date thread, dm me for more recent examples / pricing[/h1] I'll post whatever I'm willing to share at any given point in time whenever. [b]Please do not use any of my work[/b] unless it's specifically made for you because some work will feature my own characters or other people's or just flat out commissioned work. [h2]Commission Details[/h2] [h3]In terms of payment...[/h3] [color=39b54a]I accept:[/color] paypal (USD preferred, all others accepted) ARPG stuff for deviantART (tokotas, dracostryx, beardogs, noh, etc) (sometimes) dA points (occasionally) closed species / designs / etc. If you don't OWN IT and you just found it on google, I'm not interested. You [u]must[/u] be able to provide proof that you made or own it. (rarely) steam games / cards / etc [color=ed1c24]Do not offer:[/color] pet site stuff (neopets, wajas, flight rising, etc) stuff you didn't make banners / signatures / etc (I can make these, so they don't really catch my eye) [h3]In terms of trades...[/h3] While I do not normally consider trades to be adequate payment for a commission, I'm more than happy to accept art of my OCs, closed species, etc etc in lieu of payment, if you think you've got what it takes to make a good artistic impression. I don't bite. [h3]In terms of rules / regulation / etc...[/h3] [u]Art I make is mine, although you will have rights to use it[/u]. I [color=ed1c24]will[/color] post it to my tumblr, deviantART, furaffinity, etc etc and have rights to use it as a sample in a portfolio, commission example, etc without notifying you. I will not use it in any other way, really. It's just put in the bin of "stuff I've drawn for other people." That said, I [i]prefer[/i] if it is not re-uploaded onto your tumblr, deviantart, furaffinity, etc etc because I will have already uploaded it in those places (with the exception of accounts wholly dedicated to art of the specified character, please don't). If you're going to, at least let me know beforehand so I don't come across it and think someone stole it. [i]Once I am paid[/i], you have permission to use the art you've commissioned from me just about anywhere on the internet with the exception of re-uploading it to the aforementioned sites^. You can use it here on profiles, put it on your desktop, print it out and hang it on your wall, use it as cover art for your deviantART, tumblr, etc etc. I don't really care what you do with it after as long as it doesn't look like it's being stolen by someone random. I just ask that you credit me on the page or at least when people ask who made it. If you sell / trade / gift / whatever a character featured in work you commissioned from me, you are giving rights to use it away to the new owner and I will treat the situation as such. [u]In terms of refunds[/u], you are welcome to ask for a 50% refund if you cancel a commission or are dissatisfied with the final product. I will not give you a full refund because I spent time on the project, whether or not you were satisfied my time is still worth something to me. [u]For larger commissions[/u], I work on my own time and when I do I charge hourly. I'm no Picasso, but I do value my time and my work. Things that will take me several days or at least several hours to complete will be priced accordingly. You are [u][color=ed1c24]not[/color][/u] permitted to crop or edit out my signature. You will already receive an un-watermarked image, I feel it fair to keep my mark on there somewhere. [u]Minor[/u] edits are permitted to the final product, with any major edits already having been stated previously. If you don't like the pose, say something when you're shown the preview before I begin to color it. Once it's colored, I consider editing to be in the minor stage. [color=fff200](I won't redraw the entire image once you've okay-ed it for color.)[/color] [/center]