Searching the most bumped topics, I only saw a thread for book recommendations. This is a thread for members of the community to discuss what they are reading, what they have read, as well as what they plan to read. An open table to discuss what you are reading, give and get recommendations and just to kind of roll around in yummy books. So to get things kicked off, I am currently reading The Familiar, by Mark Z. Danielewski. Compared to House of Leaves, it really hasn't started to live up to what I think makes the writer a complete cut above the rest, not displaying any particular great ideas or captivating dialogue/setting. Mostly mystery and plot set-up thus far, but still no complaints as I do have a ton of faith in the author given his past works I have read. I just got done with The Things They Carried, by Tim O'Brien which was fantastic. The voice was strong, consistent and really drives home a lot of the emotion, or lack thereof that was carried at the time period giving a taste of modern and past viewpoints on the war that occured at the novels heart. As for what I am a fan of? Vonnegut, mostly. Love his works. Coming of age books are a huge genre that I am love with, as well as comedy (Three Bags Full, anything by Christopher Moore). Currently considering reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, some entries into the Ender Saga and some other series I casually follow. Working on The Wheel of Time series in tandem currently. What is RPG reading? What would RPG recommend? What wine pairs with what you are reading? Favorite reading setting? Anything else slightly book related? Discuss.