[center][h3][b][u][color=red]Ira Amaterasu[/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2cmm7p3.png[/IMG] Later that evening. It was finally time for Ira to be a man of his word. He had made a certain promise to an old man, a certain female too. If he didn‘t, Ira wouldn‘t be the man he was today. As he arose from the bloodstained caravan , he grabbed his trademark facemask and white coat to match. [color=red]”Party time.”[/color], he exclaimed as golden magic arose around his being. He took off in a blur of light, as if an entity in hyperspace. He knew his destination well, it would be a cottage on the edge of the forest. Inside would be an old man fixing himself breakfast. He had lived alone since his wife had died during the war as just an innocent bystander. Ira knocked on the man’s door.[color=red]”Special delivery.”[/color] He old man opened the door to find menacing red eyes piercing a hole thru his soul. [color=red]”Sorry to say this but your being evicted. Problem is you won’t have time to grab your things and go.”[/color] Ira raised his left arm, fingers pointed as a pistol to the old man's already moist cranium. [color=red]”Bang.”[/color] A flash of golden light emitted from Ira’s hand into the elder’s skull ,front to back, then out a thru a wall. [color=red]”Overdid it again. Damn.”[/color] He hit a nearby wall with such force the house begin to crumble before his might. [color=red]”Oh this is just great. I have a house to clean up too. Just my luck. I don’t think I’ll have time to prepare for my date.”[/color] His back began to form around him again . He would use his speed to make things snappy before anyone had noticed what he’d done. After the clean-up was done Ira was hungry. He decided to go bother Fiore’s finest guild. Hell they were the only guild.[color=red]” I hear that old lady makes good food anyway.[/color] With that Ira was off. Mission Complete. [/center]