[quote=@Sodium] [@Altered Tundra], allow me to give you a scenario that you'll understand easily. I've included pictures for your benefit. [img]http://i.imgur.com/0zy1H5G.png[/img] "I don't mean to force you, but would you kindly consider doing this thing I'm suggesting?" Similar phrases include "I'm not racist, but..." Now, this is admittedly an extreme representation of the scenario, but I'm sure you get the gist of what I'm seeing. On top of that, you're ignoring the fact that you literally verbally attacked another player when they presented a legitimate reason against doing what you've requested. You're taking the role of a dictator against people just wanting to have some fun, and frankly it's only going to cause issues going forward if you remain capable of doing so. QUICK EDIT: [@HushedWhispers] I hadn't refreshed before posting this. Dropping the subject now. [/quote] Thank you.