Kimura smiled after hearing Michiko take initiative. At first he though she was joking, but when he stared into her eyes, he could see the definition if determination. "Alright Rikyu, you heard the coach, twenty-four more get then done." As Rikyu went ahead and did the excersise, Kimura began to strategize his game plan. Naoki was tall, it was possible he could dunk with such height. Taki was one if the fastest players, but Kimura had something planned for him already. Rikyu was known as the shadow. His game was based off his passes, therefore if you remove them from the equation, then there shouldn't be a problem. For his own little team, it would come down to execution and skill. The only obstacle in their way was probably Masaru. It is said he doesn't really utilize his team because of his raw talent, which will cause a big issue in this game. Izumi on the other hand was most likely a team player, or at least she seemed to be, so she'll do just fine. This game would most likely determine who would play in tomorrow's tournament. With that in mind, once it was his turn to excersise the hexagonal obstacle course, Kimura went all out. A light debree of sweat wa running down the side of his face, dripping in the cold court. To prevent a puddle from firming, he used the edge of his tank to wipe away all the wet discomfort. It was time to get the game going.