Magic man-eating rivers or a fight for survival in a foreign land. It didn't take long for Ian to consider moving with the group. He was going to go with the minority, but it appears that everyone was going to follow this new Queen to certain death. He opened the bag with his name on it, he quickly looked through it and shook his head slowly. [i][color=f26522]Nope, nuh uh, nadda, not happening. I am not wearing these.[/color][/i] Ian wasn't going to waste his time if he didn't have answers and unless these ridiculous clothes gave him some amazing super powers, he was not putting them on his body. Ian looked around and examined the rest of the people that had shown up. He couldn't believe all of this people were so open minded about this stuff. In that exact moment, Meryn, as he gathered, took off towards the castle that was in ruins. Ian didn't think much about it until she began running up the ramp. He looked back to spot three bags, completely untouched. He quickly got up and took off after Meryn. She was going to go on a suicide mission. There was no doubt in Ian's mind that those Claws of Anarchy had already torn down the door and started to seize all live souls who failed to escape. While Meryn went up the ramp with some ease, Ian didn't. He struggled a tad more than she did. When he got to the roof, he noticed the echos of the commotion from within the room bouncing off of the chimney's walls. [color=f26522]"Meryn, what are you doing?"[/color] Ian spoke quickly, whenever he spoke quickly, it was hard to understand him because of his thick brogue.