[color=8dc73f]As the old lustrum winds away the eyes of creation once more fall upon those worthy few with the mettle to take up our challenge. This: the Planesway Invitational; grandest spectacle on the greatest stage, racing or otherwise. The road they traveled ran a sickle's edge that cut wheat from chaff and creme from crop, those that conquered the King's Crown for the first time truly among their peers.[/color] [color=6ecff6]Guess you could say they really [b][u]'rule'[/u][/b], eh Don?[/color] [color=8dc73f]I didn't.[/color] [color=6ecff6]Just [b][u]'Throne'n'[/u][/b] it out there buddy. Welcome back folks to our coverage of the sixth quinquennial Planesway Invitational, I'm Vyk Vidare and that was a mouthful. With me is co-host and former champ 'Donny the Don' Donnundur--[/color] [color=8dc73f]Don't give me nicknames[/color] [color=6ecff6]Ten-four Don. Things are set to kick off in a big way here at the starting line but first let's hear what Gleek Mismar has to say about our finalists. Gleek?[/color] [color=aba000][center][h1]ΞΞΞΞΞ[/h1][/center][/color] [color=aba000]This will be a fantasy themed, no-holds-bared, high-octane racing RP. Players would take on the role of the titular Sorceracers (sorcerers that race) and vie for first place in the coveted Planesway Invitational--a race that threads its way through several hostile planes of existence. Competitors are free to form up at the starting line in whatever they like: GoGolems, steam rods, LOCO-motives, you name it, no rules save 'finish first' to adhere to. Essentially it's combat racing. Contestants are vetted from all corners of the multi-verse; having each earned the right to race by winning their region's 'King's Crown"-- a grueling long distance rally raid. Yet 'winning' the King's Crown means different things to different people, some worlds hold a good, clean race where a champion emerges based on skill, others devolve into a running destruction derby that ends long before the finish line. Either way the players secured themselves a chance at the most coveted title in all of racing. Throughout the RP racer position will be determined by a simple, fair system. I think of a number between 1-10 and players guess it, then get shuffled along based on how close they were. I highly encourage you all to come up with interesting reasons why you'd drop a spot/gain a lead and likewise suggest collaboration. CS's will be a little different than you're used to. While yes, they will have the standard:[/color] Name: Age: Species: Gender: [color=aba000]The bulk of information will be contained in a vignette. In other words what you race, why you race and past highlights are presented as if 'broadcast' to the billions of viewers watching at home via an announcer that's likely never met you. Expect this to be heavily influenced by any sponsors you might have and boil your character down to a marketable quantity (A racing persona if you will) If anything is egregiously false you DON'T have to inform you fellow RPers, since short of personal history they'd only know you by reputation--merely send me a PM that contains the bare bones truth. Be creative and have fun with it. Do an interview, plug your own product line or run a rivalry promo against another racer, whatever feels right. And before anyone asks haste scrolls take the place of 'nitro boosts' popularized in movies and television, and--by rule of cool--they're not read, but burned to release their magic. Again, you've got complete freedom in what you race. Really, sky's the limit. Literally. Racers can fly, swim, hover, hop or teleport to their heart's content. Fire harpoons at your competitors, take shortcuts, breath fire. Whatever gets you to the finish-line. Go full blown mad max or whacky racers.[/color]