Lyle's eyes were locked with the female's, knowing that she'd be the most ferocious of the pair, out of sheer desperation. He tried to convey the fact that he had no desire to fight, but was more than capable. The female cocked her head, then grunted toward her mate. She moved toward the door, while the male growled and covered her movements, ready to attack should Lyle become aggressive. Then there was a sharp sound from inside, what sounded like the girl had stumbled on something. In panic, the female darted through the door, the male lunged toward him. Lyle got his maces up, and stepped into the tackle. He couldn't stop the sheer force of the beast, it was too strong and heavy, but he was able to at least slip past the outstretched claws, while forcing the handle of his mace between the jaws of it. The tackle forced him back hard into the wall of the house, shaking the entire structure, causing him to drop his other mace. One hand was locked into keeping the creature's jaws at bay, but now his spare was focused on keeping the beast close to chest. He wasn't trying to kill it, simply keep him in a bear hug stalemate. However, the other claw found purchase, carving deep crimson grooves into his muscled arm and chest. The female arrived just in time to see the girl free the pup from its shackle. She snarled the most menacing growls she mustered at the girl, clearly the most powerful of warnings. Her eyes locked on the woman's, daring her to move. The pup rushed to its mother, yipping happily. The moment it stood beneath her massive body, the mother clearly relaxed a bit. She turned and stepped outside, snarling at her mate. He backed off Lyle with a snap of the jaws, a taunt suggesting he would've won. Lyle growled back angrily, but let him go as he saw the pup. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Y'alright in there lass?"[/b][/i][/color] He wondered how many lives were lost today because of one fool hunter. If Gunther was lucky, the wolves already killed him. The fog was starting to clear as the sun rose higher. He watched as they sauntered off. Then he heard the sound all hunters knew. The creak as a bow drew, followed by the snap of the string. Before he could even shot for them to stop, he watched black arrows slam into the two dire wolves' bodies. They were dead before they collapsed to the ground, their bodies providing temporary shelter for the pup, preventing it from being shot at. Lyle looked toward the archers, Ebon Knights atop a house across the way, [color=ed1c24][i][b]"There was no need to do that, you bloody bastards!"[/b][/i][/color] Lyle reached for his other mace, only for an arrow to sink into the ground between his hand and handle. He heard the officer in charge, [color=0054a6][i][b]"Keep in an eye on this one, you, go put down the pup."[/b][/i][/color] One of the archers climbed down, and began stalking toward the pup and its dead parents.