[center][h1]Aiden Cross[/h1][/center] "You're going to keep dening this, aren't ya? Well, I'm dropping the issue for now but if that fucker tries anything funny with you, just tell me and I'll be sure to give him a piece of my mind. As for the mission, I say it's about as good as anything else, plus it seems rather urgent as well." Aiden nodded before turning back to his treat, damn near inhaling it as he finished the sundae off in seconds. He let out a breath as his eyes turned to Kuroko. "And as for you, Pencil Wizard, try to let us handle it first before ya jump in and steamroll with that nasty ice of yours. From the looks of the job, it should be rather easy for the two of us, technically three if Bris still wants to join in." Getting up from his seat, he turned around just in time to see another guy walking in, again with the white hair and red eyes. While he seemed to have a friendly demeanor, one thing was making Aiden wary of the guy. He smelled heavily of blood, at least to Aiden's enhanced senses, but the dragon slayer wasn't getting negative vibes of this guy. In the end, he shrugged it off, deciding that if he tried anything at all, there were several S-ranks ready to fuck up his day. "Come on guys, let's getma move in, yeah? Faster we get there, the faster we put this poetic man's mind at ease." As he walked out the door he grabbed Bristlebane by the cloak, dragging him along for the trip with a muttered "That means you too." [@WaddleDaisy] [@Lmpkio] [@Eklispe]