Killashandra watched the one who called themselves Marlona, studying the female creature before her. She had heard tales of such creatures but had never once personally run across one. Perhaps that is why they were considered legend, much like herself. Standing there in silence she listened to her seem to ramble on, thinking to herself that she must enjoy speaking to others. It seemed rather odd to her that one would be forthright with so much information and so many questions to one they just met but not everyone was like Killashandra. She found little use for words unless it was truly called for and yet then perhaps it was needed. “Let me see if I can address all your inquiries,” Killashandra said in a thickly accent voice that was light on the wind as it pushed through the flame of her torch causing it to flicker oddly. “No, I have not been here long,” she answered first for she hadn’t. Not in the grand scheme of things, she had been there but a blink of time. “I do not know this Nyishia that you speak of,” she retorted to the question about if she was there to see the one she spoke of. “I was simply drawn here.” “Can you assist me?” she asked as a thin light brow arched on pale skin. “I do not believe that I am in need of assistance for I have been searching for none.” Taking a shallow breath that caused her chest to rise and fall dramatically beneath the tightly cinched corseted gown that adorned her body. “Perhaps,” she began, thinking to herself before she continued. “Perhaps you can inform me what this place is.”