Greetings there. I am considering joining as an individual character....ish. I was thinking i would be some mercenary army leader, with many troops, but not redunculus. So that it would be very beneficial to have me on ones side, but not game winning. I was thinking humans, heavy infantry with halberds and cuirasses and some other armour (not full plates) and some similarily armoured pavise crossbomen. About 1/3rd ranged troops. The characters primary motive would be money, so he's not that interested in the throne, to much work. With some hidden objectives of course. So if i would like to put this up how would i do so? Nation sheet? Individual character? Is there some out of country war that has been going on recently? I was planning to return from a war, so i want the location to be logical for my chars start location. Thoughts? Also, pro tip. The map is small... like REALLY small. You should make a larger version, as in pixel size. It's hard to see the names.