[img]http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj568/Truly_Elusive/Ravness.jpg[/img] [hider] “Why do I fight? It is because I must. No more, no less.” Username:Aara1112 Name: Clarissa Hildegarde Age: 26 Gender: Female Class: Mercenary Rank: Member House: Aseryo Weapon: Steel Sword [favored weapon of choice are swords but as a mercenary, she has some handling in other weapons but by far not as proficient as the blade] Uses a hand axe as an offhand. Appearance: Standing at a height of 5’11” Clarissa stands taller than most women. Since her occupation is one of war, she trains and maintains her physique daily. Though she exhibits a quiet exterior, she is brusque and upfront when in a confrontation and she is not afraid of using her height to back an adversary down. There is a scar that runs down her left forearm as a result of a battle in the past. Outside of battle, she opts for a simple and plain dress. Personality: To fight is to survive. Clarissa knows the dangers of her job and the short life span that comes with it. Over the years of fighting, she has become experienced enough to not let fear paralyze her in the thick of battle. A seasoned and decisive warrior, she will not hesitate to right what she feels is a wrong which can lead her to being stubborn and even hot-headed at times. However, in recent times the fighting has taken its toll on her. Though she smiles, often times it is a sad one nowadays. She has mellowed in recent times but there are still hints of her old self from time to time. She enjoys humming hymns and old songs as they are calming and remind her of her former home in privacy. Biography: Growing up, Clarissa was the youngest of 3 and the dangerous icy conditions of Ludra meant that everyone needed to know how to fight to survive the frozen wastes beyond their homes. Nature was at her worst in the winter month and tensions between houses ran high during food shortages. To this end, both boys and girls were taught at an early age how to fight and become self-sufficient as possible, from hunting to skinning to defending themselves from other humans. Reading and writing was not a common skill to learn in Ludra but Clarissa would learn to read and write with the help of her grandparents, particularly her grandfather who once traveled the mysterious lands to the south and brought a back a great deal of books. At the age of 14, her village was raided and it was the first time she had killed another human. No amount of training would prepare her for the mental shock of taking another human’s life. However, the winter only grew longer and the raids grew more frequent. Eventually, she would go fight in raiding parties and become quite proficient in battle At the age of 20, her refusal to be betrothed to the Lord’s son caused her exile from home. Suddenly not welcomed in Ludra (and joining another House resulted in a possibility of fighting her friends and family), she decided to travel south where her grandfather too once went. In desperate need of money with little job prospects of obtaining a regular job due to discrimination, she turned to mercenary work. As the weather in Ludra did not make it conducive to wear heavy armor, she was very shock to see “Stone giants” in the battlefield. The next 5 years was a blur. Fighting was all that she remembered and it became all that she really knew how to do. She became accustomed to the ways the Southern people fought, even adopting their armor. However, an ambush wiped out her regiment and she fought valiantly. She would have died that day were it not for the timely arrival of the Lord of House Aseryo. Offering her services to Aseryo, the Lord accepted, impressed by her savage and effective way of fighting. She is with the Aseryo’s for 1 and a half year now. [/hider]