[color=8882be][b]Erin Draven[/b][/color] Erin was outside of the guild house tossing crumbs of bread and seeds upon the ground for birds. A smile spreading upon his lips was cast in shadow as the sun was blocked by his deep cowl. From the outside he looked only to be a creepy mage in dark tattered robes, huddled over watching birds at his feet. He watched happily as the small birds fluttered to the ground and pecked at his offerings. After a few minutes he sat upon the ground and leaned his back against the guild house, placing a few seeds on his shoulder and propping his arm on his knee, his open hand holding the rest. Birds easily jumped into his outstretched hand and shoulder without fear for they knew him regularly and knew he meant them no harm. Even when a stray cat prowled around the corner they didn't move. Erin simply smiled at the cat and held out his free hand, enticing the cat to approach for a gentle petting. It was a good day and Erin smiled for the company of the animals he drew to him.