[b]Giovanna[/b] I rolled over and ran a hand across the soft stubble attop my head. I couldn't remember where I was. But that was usual. My dreams had seemed more real that this present moment, and yet they had vanished the instant I woke. That was pretty usual too. I had decided one time that I didn't dream, I only remembered; and whatever it was they had done to me always wiped them away when I woke. I heard a movement in my room. Sitting up suddenly I looked over at the girl with wide eyes and she looked at me with a confused expression. "What?" She asked, as she then continued on with whatever she had been doing; apparently collecting my things for me. "Why the hell are you here?" I asked, trying to shake my head out of the fog. "I'm always here." She muttered, and zipped up my bag. I finally remembered, where I was. And she, she was one of those attendants they always put on my case so I don't fuck everything up. I groaned. "They usually don't last this long." * * * * * I approached the hangar with my pack and attendant in tow, she dragged along behind me like a ball and chain. I stared at the others with a somewhat blank expression—which usually came off as more of a bitch face—but I didn't bother to speak up. Stares make people uncomfortable, which is always funny, or if not it just allows them to assume whatever they were going to assume about you anyway. A bit embarrassed by me, the attendant girl with me stepped up and saluted the commander: "Giovanna Zetta reporting for duty ma'am. And myself, her assigned attendant. I am in charge of, um managing her behavior, ma'am." "G" I grumbled under my breath. "Just G."