Ultraman Name - Mason Ultraman Age - 720 years Host Alias - William Rollins Host Age - 27 Special Powers - * Masonite Cannon: Mason can emit a powerful yellow energy beam from his arms when they are in an L shape. It is not known if it can destroy monsters in one shot, but it is a possibility. * Masonite Sword: Mason can conjure a sword type construct composed of yellow energy from his fist. [like Psylock from the X-Men] * Strength: Mason is considered to be one of the strongest Ultras despite his young age. Personality - Cocky, Reckless, Honorable Appearance - [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ultra/images/f/ff/Ultraman_Xenon_info.png/revision/latest?cb=20140927044059 [/img] Human Host: [img]http://www.mens-hairstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Celebrity-Hairstyles-Mens.jpg[/img] BRIEF Backstory - Between the age of 500 and 700 years old, Mason began training with Ultraman Toro. Toro tried to get through to the strong young Ultra, but he remained as reckless and as cocky as ever after several wins in the Colosseum. Cocky in fact in that Mason intercepted a distress call from Mega City 5 on the planet Eternus and destroyed a giant creature with little trouble. Upon returning to the Land of Light Mason was scolded by his uncle, the Ultra King. Twenty years later, just after training with Toro began again and Mason received his Sword power, a distress call was sent from Hyper City on the planet Docadelfya. Touching down on the planet with several other Ultras, Mason took the form of an outlaw who also happened to be good with an ancient Earth instrument [the year is 2066] who played at an all aliens welcomed interstellar bar. Several human looking people were around, but there was at least a dozen alien species living on the planet as well. Mason/Rollins kept his eyes and ears open in case any leads made themselves known about the Ianas Chemical Corp. Notes - A mega corporation type entity [Ianas Chemical Corp.] will be responsible for creating the monsters we will fight and in the end of the first arc we will take down the superbeast that the CEO of the chemical manufacturer and developer becomes! ________________________________________________________ ~KL~