[@Kurisa][@KillBox][@Axel][@Oblivion666][@Kitsune][@rusty4297] [color=a187be]Sai[/color] appeared on the doorstep of the new temporary HQ, her straw shoes scratching the concrete floor as she stepped closer within the entrance. She walked around the open area to observe what she had to work with as Kagiko once again gave a speech. She couldn't argue with his speeches, atleast they kept the group some-what up-to-date. On the note of rules, Sai felt the urge to add onto what Kagiko was saying but chose to stay silent instead. It was probably better this way; best not seem patronising since these Shinigami clearly couldn't of been idiots. Finishing her casual inspection, the Squad Thirteen Captain turned to face Kagiko as he handed out tasks. She had to form a temporary place of residence for her squad. Immediately Sai felt that there was no point to her given task; they shouldn't need separation since there weren't many of them, weren't they going to work together as one whole anyway? Either way, despite Sai's thoughts, she acted on her task and found a room she felt would be suitable to house her squad in the meantime. [color=a187be][b]"Well, I declare this room Squad Thirteen's temporary barracks"[/b][/color] And with that announcement, Sai stepped inside the room.