[@Ira] [@Forsythe] [@WaddleDaisy] [h2]Matisuki Kiryuin[/h2] Blood Magic huh? Well thats something you don't see everyday. Sure he has heard of legends stating of such powers but never had he actually seen anyone using blood make. This was a first. A nod and a glass raise signified him to come in. However, later on in the day, as he was talking to a bunch of his guild mates, he senses the same black aura from earlier. Again, he tries to ignore it, but five minutes later, Ira came marching back into the guild again. Why did he come back? Because it takes some big steel-hard balls and nerves to come BACK into the guild as an outsider. Sure he can 'accept' one's presence for one day, but for a second time? Thats gonna be real hard for him to do. He intensifies his magic aura, hoping to let Ira know that his presence is certainly not welcome, not even for a second time. [@WaddleDaisy] [@Raijinslayer] [@Eklispe] [color=7ea7d8][h2]Kuroku Nagasai[/h2][/color] As soon as the others got to the site, Kuroku began to scan the area for clues, but unfortunately he couldn't find anything of interest so far. So when Taka requested for the three of them to split up, he simply nods in agreement. [color=7ea7d8]"We'll cover more ground then."[/color] he says, [color=7ea7d8]"I'll look to the west."[/color] And with that, he heads west to find some clues on what might've happened in the area.