Stonetongue led the troupe in a low bound flight, sticking with the naturally occurring air currents. As he heard Whitetail speak, he could almost feel the reactions in a few of his more fervent members. But they did not react, for they were under orders. None of them would dare address him first, but that was neither her nor there. Whitetail was not one of them. [color=f7941d][i][b]"The Stones whisper that your mother's mate has... cracked a few stones. This has led the two of them to be without clear skies. She asked me to find you, in hopes that you may assist. I owed it to her."[/b][/i][/color] At their speed, it didn't take long for Ruby Banks to fall away, above the road leading to Scream Watch. Stonetongue didn't feel the need to converse any more, as the rest of the information would reveal itself shortly. After they were halfway toward the western most village, he led them all due west, toward the wild plains known as the Valley of the Screamers. The nervousness amongst the group was now palpable, as this area was a danger to anyone that wasn't a member of these vicious tribes. [color=ec008c][i][b]"Where are they going?"[/b][/i][/color] [color=0072bc][b][i]"You know where. The place only fools and traitors visit."[/i][/b][/color] The three of them, Vegarra and the Tregger brothers were riding in pursuit of the gallows of gargoyles. Vegarra was on her dark chestnut horse, whereas the brothers were each atop a massive lizard, ones that no one knew the name of, nor how the brothers acquired them. And they had to slow their steeds for Vegarra to keep up. They stayed off the dusty path of the road, sticking to game paths that cut through the tall grasses and provided them cover. Stonetongue began his descent toward a small copse of trees, an island amid the many grasses. He flew between the trunks before coming to a stop right in the middle. The smaller goyles perched nervously in the branches, but the proper gargoyles were far too big for such positioning. And there he waited, in silence. A sharp screech filled the air as one of the goyles spotted someone coming through the trees. The first was a large human, bare-chested and covered in a variety of tattoos. He had a massive bow strapped to his back, and a variety of swords and knives strapped to various parts of his body. However, he was clearly not the leader as he stepped aside, and a small, auburn haired woman stepped forward. She had a leather wrap around her chest and skirt, and a single crimson tattoo, of a vine wrapping around her entire body. Behind her came a variety of other warriors of many differing races, sizes, and weapons, and finally a chain clinked along. A large homunculus pulled and Whitetail watched as his mother stumbled forward. The chain was wrapped around her wrists, ankles, and wing joints, so she couldn't walk or fly without extreme difficulty. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Is this the one, Stonetongue?"[/b][/i][/color] Stonetongue nodded, before stepping back, giving the honor of speaking to Whitetail. The woman looked toward him, [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Your mother is my slave, sold to me by her mate to cover a debt he held to me. Stonetongue is a trade partner of mine, and out of the respect I have for him, I am willing to offer her to you, for a price of course."[/b][/i][/color] The woman smile was rather disarming, as if she were attempting to lure everyone into a very regrettable situation. This, coupled with her strong grasp of proper Common, made her quite strange. For those who'd only heard stories of Screamers, they assumed them to be uncivilized, barely more than primitive people. [i][b][color=ed1c24]"So I must ask, what is your mother worth to you, if anything?"[/color][/b][/i] The Treggers had stopped their group a bowshot away from the copse, and they watched as the group of gargoyles entered, only later to be joined by a horde of Screamers. Vegarra didn't recognize the tribe, as indicated by the tattoos of the leader. There wasn't enough time to summon reinforcements, nor did they have enough strength to fight both groups. So for now, they watched and waited.