[quote=@Sparkwell] I am positively thrilled, folks. Now I just need to get a character made. I will, perhaps, not go overboard on personality, both to give some room for writing, but also keeping in mind that puberty and adolescence is a thing that will surely change things as well. I promise not to write *too much* angst. (Can there ever really be enough teenage angst though? Really? ... Yes. Yes there can.) Expect something later tonight! Also, a question for future consideration, but certainly relevant for my character - if I'm writing a Muggleborn who is 11 in 2017, that means that they were born in 2005-6, in a digital age. Insofar as kids (such as the ones I work with) are growing up even more in touch with computers and tech than I was, how does that affect the transition to wizard life? Furthermore, how is enhanced surveillance technology affecting the Wizard Statute of Secrecy? ... I realize suspension of disbelief, so if the answer is "magic, yo", I'll accept it, but there needs to be a convincing way to separate the two worlds, in an age where everything is getting closer together. [/quote] Hogwarts still uses zero electricity, although reparations to the castle didn't include the anti-electricity jinx. The strict rules regarding electronics make phones very rare, albeit somewhat useless with the lack of internet, although there are still some students who risk bringing them. Phones and other devices confiscated are returned at the end of the year, very often damaged. As for the wizarding world, technology is becoming more acceptable, although it is still widely regarded to as inferior, and is by no means common. There is now a rare but growing subsection of wizards called Technomancers, who imbue technology with magic. As for The Wizard Statute of Secrecy, I'd say that in there are stricter laws about what you can and can't do if you might be in the presence of muggles -- Wands have to be concealed at [i]all[/i] times, unless you're in mortal danger. Memory spells have been moved up in the curriculum at Hogwarts, and many shopkeepers now use jinxed bells on their door that only ring when muggles enter. tl;dr: Wizards are a bit more accepting of technology than before, but are also much more cautious because of it.