[center][h2][color=silver]~ Vikki ~[/color][/h2][/center] [quote=Rain][color=skyblue]"Killing it does not benefit us...unless you intend to harvest it"[/color][/quote] [color=silver]"Staying alive doesn't benefit us?"[/color] Vikki tersely replied to the blue-haired woman, before rushing to another part of the ship to check on that side. Rain was getting increasingly authoritative, which was fine for the time being as she had good suggestions, but Vikki made a mental note to keep her in check should it become an issue. [color=silver]"Oh good,"[/color] she muttered sarcastically when the merwoman yelled out an explanation. Before she could take action, however, a crewman fell overboard and the plasma man jumped in afterwards, saving the man but unable to get back on the boat himself. She threw her head back at the sky in frustration momentarily before erupting into a sprint towards the bridge. Somehow nobody on board was at the helm and nobody on board had thought to stop the ship at any point. She yelled [color=silver]"You're in charge while I'm up there,"[/color] as she sprinted past the blue-haired woman. [color=silver][i]Now's your chance to prove yourself,[/i][/color] she thought as she ran. Sprinting down corridors and up stairs three at a time, she soon reached the vacant bridge. As she slammed the throttle lever into hard reverse, the boat began lurching slowly to a halt. From the bridge's bird's-eye view she could survey everything, but not give orders because of the windows.