Most concerning. Deeply concerning. But somewhat expected from his broken family. They did not speak more as they flew, and though the arrow of time flew past them, Gregory was certain they were westward bound. At first perhaps the issue was at Stonecrest, but that was to the north. Were wood parted and gave way to flowing grasslands at the feet of the mountains. Certainly perhaps then Ruby Banks, some peculiar entanglement which had brought his accursed step-father into trouble with whatever merchant or minor official there. But that thought too faded away as they ventured further west, where the trees became twisted and gnarled. Forsaken even compared to the emerald majesty of Greenfall. Only one placed remained... Far from the Mountains: The Valley of Screamers. Indeed there was deep trouble if something was requested here. And more so, now that the Screamers did show themselves to the arrival of Stonetongue and the flock. What treachery was this? Gregory glanced at Stonetongue with a dead-eyed glare, although almost impossible to discern from his usual horned scowl, most gargoyles could read the emotions of others of their kin with relative ease. Something about approximating the desired facial expression given the situation helped. The appearance of the large man, well large by human standards, as Gregory still was a head taller than he was contrasted starkly by the smaller woman. A female who, Gregory towered over in size and stature however seemed to be rather disarming with her coy grin. There was something about the smile which did not settle well with Gregory, something seen in a merchant from Ruby Bank's glinting façade. A promise of a bargain of a lifetime, only at a cost of a lifetime of work. Or some other sly devilry they often had amongst them. Bad deals regarding ore and supplies left Gregory ever so cautious when dealing with shrewd merchants. Call it naïve but Gregory still believed in the worth of a honest day's wages, never pricing his work beyond that which can be afforded first, and beyond that which would keep the business running. A little profit was scraped away off the top, after all the expenses paid and investments balanced. And this went to feeding his two children, one of which would be hungry by now... [i][b][Color=4863A0]"Mother."[/color][/b][/i] Gregory simply greeted the wrapt gargoyle as she was led towards him. Like some prize stag or game, bundled together so she could not escape. There was no love lost between them, not really at least, she went off her way to provide for her family and he forged his path. Whichever one made it out better would be decided now. [i][b][Color=4863A0]"How fares my Half-Brother?"[/color][/b][/i] Given her current state, Gregory's immediate concern was to his next of living kin. [i][b][Color=4863A0]"Before we speak, I wish to know more of my mother's captors."[/color][/b][/i] He looked down at the small woman who was dressed as scant as he. An easy request, as he lowered his wings and completely folded them behind him. It would be a sign of compliance, given that he could not fly away without having to spread them out once more. Although the action could be swift to do so, it was more of a symbolic approach between the Gargoyles to do so and speak between friends. --- Elsewhere, back in Greenfall, Kenneth was a bit busy counting out his daily stipend to find himself a meal. Given that his Master has been gone for some time now, maybe it would be a longer business trip? Although there was a good few dozen golds left from the week's payments, surely Master Gregory wouldn't mind if he appropriated those right? And sneak into the bar with a heavy purse of gold?