[h1]Azorel[/h1] As me and the slime continued to walk into the town, I heard a sound from behind me. It sounded as though someone was talking, a girl at that. While I could understand what she was saying I couldn't seem to pinpoint just what language she was speaking which creeped me out a bit. Did I pick up on some new type of language when I was transported here? Either way this was either a very realistic dream or completely real. I turned around to try and get a closer look at the girl. Her... her skin appeared to be colored a slightly tinted blue. And I couldn't exactly tell from how far away I was, but it looked like she also had reptilian or fish-like ears and she also seemed to be carrying a short staff and some kind of knife. I felt a wave of relief overcome me as I realized I wouldn't have to deal with her considering she seemed to be hostile, but I also felt rather bad about thinking like that and thought about helping out the two guys over there. I looked towards my slime who paused for a moment before continuing to pull me along as well. [b][color=ForestGreen]"I see her Azorel, but it looks like they can handle it. If she was truly hostile she would have already attacked right?"[/color][/b] Said the slime as it dragged me along. A frown formed on my face even though I knew that the slime was most likely right. "B-but still, shouldn't we help out or something?" [b][color=ForestGreen]"It looks like they can handle it though."[/color][/b] Said the slime as it pulled me closer to the small town. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Probably."[/color][/b] That didn't make me feel any better, but thinking about it a little more why would we be teleported to a dangerous place? Surely this is some low level area like in an RPG right? So they're probably fine. Even though I figured this was true I couldn't help but turn back around to stare at the group of two once more before heading into the village.