[b]Name[/b]: Andromeda Thompson [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Nationality[/b]: U.S.A. [b]Starting location[/b]: New York City [url=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8d/6d/c2/8d6dc2839eb5cb18aad647b56e73ba6b.jpg]Appearance[/url]: On the taller side, Andromeda stands just under six foot two. [b]Location and notes on star mark[/b]: Andromeda has two six sided stars, one for each hand. [b]Star power[/b]: Andromeda can heal superficial wounds in a matter of seconds, things like small cuts and minor bruises. The time it takes to heal grows incrementally in response to the damage, with broken bones taking up to an hour to heal. However her powers do not work when she is panicked and prolonged use of her powers can cause exhaustion. [b]Corrupted or Uncorrupted[/b]: Uncorrupted [b]Personality[/b]: Andromeda has a gentle soul that shies away from violence as much as possible. She is fairly quiet, a trait many mistake for shyness when in fact Andromeda just doesn't like making much noise. When push comes to shove however she won't hesitate to throw down, fighting dirty all the way. [b]Biography[/b]: To Be Revealed [b]Trivia[/b]: [u]Likes[/u] -Coffee -Children -Partners of the womanly persuasion -Fantasy books [u]Dislikes[/u] -Bullies -Grapes -Country Music -Sappy romance novels [u]Fears[/u] -Milites Dai -Thunder [b]Other[/b]: Aspera Ad Astra