[center][h3][b][u][color=red] Ira Amaterasu [/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2cmm7p3.png[/IMG] [color=red]"Gimme your best dish."[/color], Ira exclaimed as he reached for a bag of jewels. As he grabbed the bag from his back he sense a magic aura building up. [color=red]"Seems like I'm not welcome. I'll take my food to go . Make sure you give Taka my regards. As for your hounds , call them off . Im not here to make trouble. Jus wanted to try some of your delicious food."[/color], his charm radiating off of his face. Before he could finish his sentence he heard a voice inside his mind. [color=purple]"Are we getting side-tracked young mage? Have you forgotten what we came here for."[/color] Ira responded,[color=red]" No but must I remind you I'm just a teenager. My hormones rage like any other. I must feed them. Just let me have a little fun before we get back to business."[/color] At this time it seemed that Ira had drifted off into space. [color=purple] " Just remember we have greater plans than feeding your hormones Ira."[/color] [color=red] You never know though. Maybe she can fit into our plans. I'll make her see things my way. Just watch. [/color] Ira snapped back into reality like a bird catching prey. He awaited his meal pleasantly .[/center] [@Forsythe]