[quote=@WhiteStar19] [hider=Isabella Williams] [center][img]https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1390085540/8141129.jpg[/img][sup][h1][sub][i]Isabella "Bella" Williams[/i][/sub][/h1][/sup][/center] [indent][sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=purple]blood status[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Pureblood[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=purple]age[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]11, born May 23rd.[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=purple]gender[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Female.[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=purple]personality[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup] [indent][indent][b]Quiet but Observant[/b] -Bella, being the youngest of seven children, has adapted the ability of being unusual quiet, because she feel like no one will hear her. She does not talk much. She has been this way since she was a child, which, in her opinion, was actually a blessing. Being quiet has allowed her to be more observant of other people and listen closer to others. This allows her to learn people's hidden secrets, even ones that they haven't shared with their friends. [b]Brave, Daring but Humble[/b] -Even though she is quiet, Bella is not afraid to stand up for what she believes is right. She is always taking risks, even when it means standing up against her parents, or her older siblings. She does not take crap from anyone because she knows what she is worth, and her siblings have tried to put her down in the past. But she has never become too prideful. She makes sure that she is always humble and grateful for those around her or whatever happens to her. She always believes that if a bad thing happens, then a good thing will happen soon, though her theory has never been proven. [b]Intelligent, Careful[/b] -Bella is quite intelligent, even from a small child. She does her best to do her best and everyone notices it, which is a reason her siblings are jealous of her. But, since she is amazingly smart, she has figured out when to talk and when not to talk. She learned this when she kept showing up her older siblings with facts and figures about the Wizarding world that even they didn't know. She is always careful not to show up others now. [b]Passionate, Hard-Working, Driven[/b] -Bella has never been known to turn down a challenge. She always strives for greatness, even when it pushes her physical limits. She attacks every problem or challenge full force and does not stop until she is sure that there is no solution or that she has completed the task at hand. She sometimes doesn't sleep when she has to get her work done. [b]Fair, Courteous[/b] -Like I said before, Bella believes that everything happens for a reason, which also means that she is grateful for the stuff that happens. She grew up in a tough home, which means that she has good manners and thanks everyone for almost everything. She is also quite fair, not taking sides when her friends get into fights. She does help mediate things though, pointing out answers that the anger driven people didn't see in the first place. [/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=purple]appearance[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Bella is very small for her age at 4' 3", and very skinny, coming it at just around 55 pounds. She had very full blonde hair that falls just below her shoulders. Her eyes are a dark ocean blue color, which is majorly different from the bright green of the rest of her family. Though she is small and skinny, Bella is quite athletic. She has muscles, though they are lean muscles. She has a scar on her collarbone from one of her brothers breaking a bottle and cutting her with it during an... episode. Her hands are pretty small, but she also has slim fingers that show wear of piano playing. She has bigger hips and has developed more than other girls her age, which is why she has training bras in her trunk. She has slightly tanned skin, mainly a farmers tan, but from playing Quidditch with her siblings.[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=purple]wand material[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Springy, Birch 13 inch wand with unicorn hair. As she is one of many children, this was slightly a surprise to her family because everyone else was matched up with a wand of ash with dragon heartstring.[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=purple]boggart[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Many people, especially her family, think that she is slightly strange for this, but her worst fear is a monster called the Wendigo. But what many people don't know is that it really isn't about the Wendigo itself. A Wendigo is a former human that was possessed by a demon spirit when they were half dead and starving and it forces the human to eat another human, which releasing the Wendigo to fully take over the body. The human then transforms into a Wendigo, which has milky white eyes to it can track its prey when its prey is moving, taunt skin that is pretty much bullet proof, and skinny appendages which allow it to move quickly and is amazingly strong. The Wendigo, for Bella, represents the monster inside of all humans and that fear that she will become a monster is projected through the Boggart into a Wendigo that looks just like her.[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=purple]other[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent] -That is an actual picture of an eleven year old. As we switch years, I'll update the picture. -Bella knows a lot of spells from watching her older siblings, but she isn't very good at them. Yet. -She is an amazing Quidditch player, especially a chaser.[/indent][/indent][/indent] [/hider] [/quote] For now, Isabella needs some edits before she can be accepted. I'll PM you with details in a second.