Per Aspera Ad Astra [b]Name:[/b] Pyxis Marks [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Nationality:[/b] French [b]Starting location:[/b] New York [b]Appearance:[/b] [url][/url] Pyxis stands at just barely 5'9 [b]Location and notes on star mark:[/b] There's a small star on his left temple. It has 8 points. [b]Star power:[/b] Pyxis has the power of telepathy. He can get a general reading of people emotions, but can't communicate through the link, although, with enough concentration, he can block memories from said person entirely, and from himself. [b]Corrupted or Uncorrupted:[/b] Uncorrupted, but will probably be corrupted later. [b]Personality:[/b] Pyxis is always cautious when meeting new people, or in any social situation really, taking more time then strictly necessary to think through every possible situation. He is inherently curious however, and that's gotten him into more trouble then it's worth, repeatedly. A little bit of a scaredy cat, and not self sacrificing at all, he isn't the kind of person to go leaping in front of another just to be the hero. That isn't to say he'll abandon people however. If he's made a strong bond with you, then even if he hesitates, he will put the lives of his friends before himself. [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Warning: Mention of child abuse.[/b] Pyxis grew up with a single father, and didn't learn why he didn't have a mother until his star appeared.. Even then, he was only 3 years old and didn't understand much of what his father was shouting at him. But, as he grew older he understood. His mother had committed suicide soon after he was born. She'd been a famous pianist, at the peak of her career and performing internationally. A dream of hers since a young age had been to enter the International Music Competition and [i]win.[/i] She'd participated more then once, but this was her last chance, and she believed so strongly that she was ready. It was that passion that had made Michael-his father-love her so much. She entered the competition, and performed a painfully beautiful rendition of Moonlight Sonata. It seemed almost certain that she would win, until a young star child appeared to take first place with a blisteringly fast paced piece. Composed [i]by[/i] the kid no less! After that, Sarah-Pyxis' mother-fell into a slump, refusing to play at concerts and even then, giving half-hearted performances that were merely a fragment of a shadow, of how she used to play. She didn't seem to see the point, if her art, all she'd ever worked for, was just being taken from her. She seemed to back away from life, only giving one word answers to any conversations Michael attempted to have with her. When Pyxis was born, for a short while, Sarah seemed legitimately happy, face lighting up with joy that hadn't graced her features in years. But, one day, when Michael was at work and she was staying at home caring for the baby, he got a phone call. Sarah had overdosed on her pills. Suicide. Those words rang in his ears, and the only thing that he could think of, was what had driven her to this. The star-children. He hated them after that. Hated them for taking away the love of his life. He was a doting father to Pyxis, even if he spent his nights staring into the bottom of a beer bottle. Then the star appeared on his sons forehead. He didn't realize what it was at first, or perhaps simply didn't want to believe what it was. But after checking at the doctors and being told very cheerfully that yes, it was a star, he lost it. All that anger, that deep-seated rage in his heart spilled over anything that he felt for Pyxis. All he could see now, was that his son, [i]Sarah's[/i] son, was no better then the people that had-in his mind-killed her. He would beat him most nights, after he'd had more then a couple of drinks. He didn't have anyone to tell, he was only 4 by then, and confused as to why his own father would be causing him so much pain. No one knew, until he was 9 years old, and his teacher spotted the bruises on his stomach. After that, it was a blur of social services and concerned voices. Pyxis was overwhelmed, and when he got the chance to be alone, no one watching him carefully, he finally cried. And scared young child that he was, he squeezed his eyes shut and willed the memories to disappear. And they did. One by one, they were gone. Adopted by a new family for a while, he was happy. They moved America, he made friends, tried to move on. Even if he went quiet at a question to his past. Even if they questioned why he didn't look like his parents. [b]Trivia: [/b] [b]Phobias[/b] - Entomophobia (Fear of bugs. Finds himself unable to move.) - Nyctophobia (Fear of the dark. Curls in on himself, hyperventilates.) [b]Likes[/b] - Sweet things - Books - Mice - Bisexual [b]Dislikes[/b] - Violent people - Loud noises - Cleaning up Other: