[i]There's nothing wrong right?[/i] Leiko thought to herself. She couldn't quite get it around her head that they'd really work together with House Arseyo. She huffed and shifted awkwardly in her seat, maintaining her polite smile. The last she thing she wanted was for someone to notice. After all, it was their Lord who was hosting tonight's meeting and Illyan made sure they would be civil. It would disrespect him and their Lord, if she did something stupid, like bring their age old feud to the meeting. Was it wrong that she couldn't quite look past their feud yet? I mean, she was raised with such beliefs that it wasn't quite easy to just look past it. To simply start working hand in hand with House Arseyo all because of the appearance of "demonic beings". Which she had yet to see, making it even more agitating the more she thought about it. She let out a tired sigh, luckily no one had spoken to her yet. The meeting hadn't even begun yet and she felt a huge sense of discomfort already. Hell, Leiko didn't even feel safe. Her staff was across the room along with everyone else's. It left her feeling defenseless it irked her. When the food was served, she was happy to eat. Something to distract her from the company in the room. Though, that was not what had happened. Of course, there was a no good member of House Arseyo. A thief nonetheless, was prowling their Lord's estate. Ready to steal a fortune's worth of House Tosen valuables. [i]A disgrace,[/i] she thought as she gritted her teeth frustratedly. [i]What a way to start the meeting, with a thief no less![/i]