[center][h3][color=598527]Corinthe[/color][/h3] [IMG]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M63e8dcc323bdaf508759b1fef4d0d72dH1&=160&=160&c=7&pid=Api[/IMG] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Schoolyard, about to move to the Assembly Hall [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Alex, Zaheen and Peter[/center] [@scrapula][@MiddleEarthRoze][@Onarax] [hr][hr] Cori was glad that she was being of actual help, but a little dissapointed that the girl hadn't given her her name. But before she could ask her, a boy interrupted her attempt to make a friend. Though he seemed to have every good intention, she was still annoyed by his intrusion in this crucial part of the first schoolday. He apologized shortly after, which made her a bit more forgiving. And he did look quite tired actually. Poor kid. [i][color=598527]I might just as well make another friend.[/color][/i] She thought to herself. [color=598527][b]"Well hi Zaheen, I'm Corinthe. New indeed. So what year are you in?"[/b][/color] Then she turned to the girl. [color=598527][b]"And what's your name?"[/b][/color] Then Zaheen continued to give the answer to the riddle. Cori had known it as well. Actually, the scene was playing in front of her eyes. And Zaheen missed the most crucial part. the answer was [center][h3][i]Mellon.[/i][/h3][/center] That. [color=598527][b]"...."[/b][/color] The girl beat her to it. With much ado, the box proceeded to reveal a book. [i]The Silmarillion[/i], read the cover. Before Cori could inquire after what the book was and why it had been in the box, another guy entered the conversation. He looked older than Zaheen, though he said he was new. Apparently age didn't matter much in a school for the demigods. That thought made her realise, that these people she was talking to, were all demigods. All real sons and daughter of actual gods. Like herself ofcourse, but still it was weird. She wondered what powers they had and who their godly parent was. How was their relationship with their parent? She glanced around at all the people on the campus. The gods sure liked to reproduce. many people here might actually be half-brothers or -sisters. Would she have one? Would there be actually living walking family of her, right here on Olympus Academy? Hades, or who she assumed was Hades had seemed rather loyal to her mother, that one time when they met. But who knew. She was sure to find out. What would she look like? or he? Alex explained the guy where he should go. [color=598527][b]"Oh hey"[/b][/color] She told the guy. [color=598527][b]"I still need to get my key as well, we can try to find the office together. I'm Corinthe by the way."[/b][/color] stretching out her hand to shake his. Then there was an announcement all over campus, that the assembly was going to start. [color=598527][b]"I guess the keys have to wait."[/b][/color] She told her company. Somehow it had grown rapidly into a little group. [color=598527][b]"Zaheen, I bet you know where we have to go for that assembly. will you show us?"[/b][/color] Cori was happy to hear Alex thank them, even though she had only helped just a little. she beamed. [color=598527][b]"I'm glad I could help."[/b][/color] she stated. [color=598527][b]"One per day? That sounds like fun. I'm definitely looking forward to next one. If you want my help ofcourse."[/b][/color] She corrected herself on her intrusiveness. [color=598527][b]"Why does she do that?"[/b][/color] The next question she had, she didn't speak out loud. [color=598527][i]Who is your mother?[/i][/color] She wasn't sure what the etiquette was when it came to someone's godly parent. The box didn't seem much like a mortal gift to Cori. Besides, if she asked that, someone else might ask her about who her divine father or mother was. And she wasn't quite sure if that was the first thing she wanted people to know about her. [color=598527][b]"Allright guys, let's go see that assembly"[/b][/color] She was só exited.