Lyle cursed loudly as he watched the girl dart towards the pup, ignoring the warning shots from the Ebon Knight Archers. This meant the next ones would not be warnings. He quickly surveyed the situation, seeing that two soldiers remained on the roof, though only one had his bow drawn, neither of them paying him any attention. This gave him enough time to pick up his other mace, now hearing the string being drawn again. He turned and threw his right handed mace as the arrow let loose toward the girl. Almost impossibly, the mace crashed right through it, crushing and deflecting it. Lyle was already in a full run now, toward the girl, as the archer on the ground looked at him bewildered. The hunter managed to position himself between the girl and the knights, and shouted, [color=f7941d][i][b]"Enough! Enough killing!"[/b][/i][/color] The soldier in command, atop the roof, said nothing, gave no orders, studying the two down below. The Knight on the ground glared at Lyle, [color=39b54a][i][b]"Step aside, civilian. This beast must be put down."[/b][/i][/color] Lyle didn't move an inch, his eyes keeping watch on all three soldiers. [color=39b54a][b][i]"Have it your way."[/i][/b][/color] He began to draw his sword, when Lyle's large hand stopped it, before it got more than an inch out of the scabbard. The soldier, grimacing in pain as his hand was slowly being crushed, attempted to a wide swinging punch, only for Lyle to step in and headbutt him hard, knocking him out. He then looked up toward the other two, noting the Lieutenant's sash on the man's arm. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Lieutenant, get down here, now. We have a mess to sort out."[/b][/i][/color] The man nodded in reply and began making his way over. The pup was frightened and in panic now that it's parents were killed. In its distress, it was crying out, scrambling in the girls arms, sharp claws cutting at reckless abandon. It wasn't trying to escape, simply lashing out at the cruel world that tormented it at every turn. [color=fff200][i][b]"What in the blimey fuck is all that noise?"[/b][/i][/color] The voice came from the house where the pup had been chained. A moment of silence passed, [color=fff200][i][b]"Who in the hell broke into my house?! And stole my wolf!"[/b][/i][/color] A gruff, potbellied man stumbled out of the home, looking somewhat drunk, and enraged. The moment he saw the Knights, the gore on the ground, the entire scene, he stopped. The archer on the roof needed no orders, pointing his bow at the man. The Lieutenant arrived at Lyle, the girl, and the wolves. [color=bc8dbf][i][b]"I know you, Lyle. I could charge you with assaulting a Knight, but I'd imagine you would simply request trial by combat, and injure yet another Knight. Now let us talk logic. That wolf pup is not old enough to survive on its own. And even if it did, by some miracle, it would remember what humans did. It would only know hatred and revenge, and would attack any and every human it came across. It is a threat. It must be put down. You know this to be truth."[/b][/i][/color] Lyle couldn't deny a single word. All of it was true. But it left a very bitter taste in his mouth. He didn't have a single thing to say that could save the pup's life, and defeated, he stepped aside.