[color=0076a3][b][h2]Eli Matthews[/h2][/b][/color] I was currently walking down the corridor to the Hanger. I had woken up several hours earlier but I had lost track of time. I had started fiddling with a computer and trying out some new codes and had gotten so absorbed into it that I had completely forgotten I actually had somewhere to be today. I wasn't terribly late though, so I wasn't dashing down the halls. I got to the hanger and stood there for a minute, looking to see if there was anyone I knew on this mission. My eyes caught on a girl standing by the ship and I grinned as I recognized my little sister. I started to walk towards her. [color=00a99d][b][h2]Raina Matthews[/h2][/b][/color] I stood in the hanger and yawned as I leaned against the haul of the ship. I hated waking up for missions, and it was fairly plain to see that I wanted to go back to bed. I had woken up a little late and hadn't gotten to have my morning coffee, which meant I was going to be in a pretty foul mood. I saw a few other people in the hanger around me and was glad that I had managed to make it mostly on time. I was usually the last person to walk in the door, so today was a first. I was never early. I had already moved all of my stuff onto the ship so now I was just waiting for all of us to leave. I suddenly saw a familiar face walking towards me and I grinned as I stood up straight and started to run towards my brother. [color=00a99d]"Eli!"[/color] I yelled as I tackled him.